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Seeing the expression of yoongi tae asked with worried expression" what's happened hyung" yoongi turn to him and said " nothing to worried about it's just from University ,I'll call them later now go sleep and let me sleep as well , i have to go uni from tommorow "

" I also have to submit my assignment but I didn't complete it yet, it's all because of you" tae said with pout

" How come it's my fault that you didn't completed your assignment " yoongi spoke

" Why , didn't you told me that you will help me in assignment but you ditched me so yes it's your fault and for braking your promise you will not scold me in front of students by the way it's my first time not completing assignment because of you and good night" he said cutely glaring at him and went to his room

" What you have got yourself into min yoongi, now you have to become babysitter " yoongi sigh and also went to his room

Next morning

Now jikook the way to meet their parents they decided that they will go early morning and spend some time with them.

" Kook what do you think our perents invite us only for dinner or something else I have gut feeling that there's something they want from us "

" You are overthinking jimin, now let's go we reached " jungkook said while getting out from car

When they ring the bell it's open by a maid, in living room their perents were seating and talking about business matters , they greet them,

" Good morning mom dad ( mr and Mrs Jeon , good morning eamma appa ( mr mrs park)" jikook spoke

"Good morning come seat with us " mrs Jeon spoke

Like that they spend time with talking, after lunch they went to their for rest , it's night and everyone in the dinning room and having their dinner
Mr Jeon gives kook a elopement, who got confused and asked

" What's this dad" " you and jimin are going London for honeymoon and before you two say something I want to clear myself look kook because of this marriage our company are getting new projects and our company share are getting high our business partner's are thinking it's love marriage and we will collaborate with parks "

"That's good thing dad but what's the need of honeymoon"jimin spoke " if you guy's didn't go than people will think that's a force marriage and this will affect our company and your dream kook, and you guy's can take it as a friendly trip.

Jungkook look at jimin to know if he is ok with it or not , jimin nodded with small smile and asked, " when are we going" "after one week" kook said and jimin hummed

In the morning when yoongi go to wake tae up , he got worried about him when he saw his swallow eyes red nose he checked his forehead and got relief when he found out tae is ok than he tried to wake him

" Tae wake up you will get late for college" yoongi spoke

" Five min more kookie" " I'm not
Jungkook and if you will late for my class I will fail you in assignment for not completing "

" Don't please I'm up , and I'm sorry" tae said while seating on the bed " why are you saying sorry "

" For calling you kookie " " tae i know you're used to wake up by jungkook so don't say sorry for this , and why did you cried last night "

" I got nightmare hyung they hate me hyung I'm such a weakling, if I was not weak then this will never happened" his eyes got teary " the feeling of guilt is suffocating me , i I want to end this suffocation I want to end this hyung that night and this guilty feeling not leaving hyung i just wanted to die yes if I die then all the problem will solve i should be dea " "TAEHYUNG " yoongi cut him off by shouting his name but seeing his panicking state his calm his anger , and take him to his embrace.

" Relax there's no one I got you , no one while hate you when they will know the truth " after sometime tae got relax

" I'm sorry hyung I'm ruined your morning " tae said while looking down

"Now stop it and go get for uni and come for the breakfast we are getting late " yoongi said calmly

After sometime they leave for uni taehyung was silently observing.

" You want to tell them" hearing this tae look at him and shook his head " no if they got to know about this then you know na what will be happen"

" Don't worry nothing will happens they will understand us "

Than yoongi called jimin convinced them for meet and talk , they agreed , now the four of them are seeting in a hotel home per yoongi request.

"I want to talk about our wedding"

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