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When tae look out from window it was not way of their hotel where they all are staying, he look at yoongi and asked while showing puppy eyes looking like a kicked puppy " hyungie it's not the way of hotel" he flinch when yoongi suddenly stopped the car and call someone

" hyung cancel my and taehyung ticket Nono everything is fine I just got some urgent work,  yes please do it " he cutt the call and again started his car and comes to their house

Yoongi comes out from the car and open the door for tae and held his hand and started to drag him into their room and throw him on the bed and close the door of room and look at him darkly while unbuttoning his shirt buttons and  taking slow step towards him who scarily look down

When he come infront of him he held his jaw and make him look up " didn't you fill scare before pulling this stand ha "he asked to tae who was silent and pushed him harshly on the bed and hover over him " you know you did wrong, you were a bad boy and bad boy deserves punishment so be ready for your punishment " yoongi spoke darkly and stood up from bed and  started to take off his belt.

" hyungie I'm sorry please forgive me, I'll not do anything like this afterwards please don't beat me if you will say I'll not eat anything for one no no that must  too much half no no half and half no ok I'll not eat for whole one hours please " tae spoke dramatically with a pout adore on his lip and yoongi look at him with done expression

" you know mr min your that trick will not work now so drop it and do as I said , so now strip " tae look at him shocked with pink chick

" hyungie what are " before he can complete his sentence yoongi cut him off " I said what I said mr min now I want to see my husband naked with his all glory only see by me " yoongi said darkly while lust can be see on his eyes , tae clench his thighs together to control his hormones but  the thought of being naked infront of his husband excited him more

He started to strip himself and in some second he got naked without any piece of cloth on his body yoongi comes to him checking him out  , he raise his hand and started to caress his nipple who ached his back due to pleasure yoongi smirk on effect he has on tae he pushed him on bed Tae look at him while lustful eyes  and mumble" hyungie "

Yoongi hover over him while rubbing his cloth member against tae's " What happened baby " yoongi spoke innocently

" hyungie please "tae please him who was shucking on his neck while rubbing their together he look at tae who has eyes closed while looking all wrecked

He pinned his hand above his head and handcuffs him tae look at him confusely when started to when yoongi take of a ring and places it around his Dick he pout and asked with puppy eyes " What is it hyungie " yoongi chuckles at his expression " Oh my little innocent wifey  , you will know after sometime" he said normally

In some minutes yoongi also got naked and position his member to his entrance  without any warning he enter inside him and started thrust fastly and hardly tae's eyes got teary due to pain and pleasure he is receiving

" hy~ungie ahhh hy~ungie sl~ow do~wn plea~se you are too fa~st" tae spoke while moaning helplessly but he scream when yoongi increase his speed and started to thrust hardly

" Wha~t you ahh think swee~theart I'm pleasuring yo~u no it's your ahh punish~ment ahh  and in punish~ment you can't get wh~at you want fuck it's fi~ll so good to be in~side you " yoongi spoke huskyly while groaning and breathing heavily " ahhh atleast ahh let ahhh ah ah me cum its " tae said

" you wants to cum " yoongi asked softly when he saw tear scaping from his eyes  " you know how to use your tear " saying he let him cum after sometime he also cum inside him

Tae widened his eyes When he fill him again moving inside him yoongi chuckles and spoke while thrusting harshly" I want you to remember this night before doing anything like this " like that they till 5:30 in the morning.

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