7. Paid to be friends

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Nikaido looked irritated as she entered her restaurant. I sat beside Kaiman, while his entire body was leaning against mine, squishing me into the small space between him and the wall. We didn't drink alcohol, but he must have been really tired, that he just fell asleep. With begging eyes, I looked at the young woman, "Help me Nikaido...this whale won't move." Demonstrating to push him off, he didn't move an inch, "see?"

Nikaido was strong enough to get him slowly off the seat, leaving him on the floor, "Leave him till he wakes up on his own."

"Did this happen before?"

"Way too often" she sighted. In a few hours she wants to open her restaurant. Turning her back to me, she prepared everything for the gyozas, "Listen N/A, I was thinking, maybe you could help us at something."

"What is it?"

Looking over her shoulder, she pointed at the lizard man, "We slay zombies later tonight and you can join us if you like."

"Is it some kind of sport?"

"Don't know, but we can buy something if we slay more zombies. With us three we could get enough to buy new equipments for the restaurant."

"What do I get out of this?"

Nikaido smiled wide, "Money and you get a chance to deepen the friendship with Kaiman"

"The first part was convincing, screw the rest. I don't want to get along with a lizard head man."

"He wasn't a lizard before. Just try to look under the mask."

I couldn't, "Wait, that isn't his real face?"

"Obviously, why would you think otherwise?"

I clicked my tongue, "It seems to match his character pretty well. He doesn't need another head." I told her what he said to me last night, as she laughed it off, "That is just the alcohol talking."

"We had hot milk with honey."

"Oh...okay, maybe it is just him."

I didn't see any reason to become friends with this arrogant guy. Nikaido's arguments aren't very convincing either. She kept talking about sympathy, having a heart for others or just being friendly, nothing worked. That is until she changed the argument, "I pay you for the time."

"Now you are talking, I am in" Money for slaying zombies and some extra to hang around the lizard guy, it felt like I won the jackpot, but the next issue was on how to tell Kaiman. Since he didn't have any alcohol last night, his head wasn't in pain. Even the bump was gone from my hit with the frying pan. All that was left was a hungry man, begging like a child for food. I stared at Nikaido, as she prepared some gyozas for him. Before I could protect that she would spoil him too much, she leaned over towards my ear, "That way I can tell him the good news. I didn't know what she means by good news, but I just let Nikaido do her thing.


"Hm?" not even looking at his female friend, he stuffed his large mouth with more gyoza.

"N/A is joining us on our hunt."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever...another plate Nikaido!"

Giving me a wink she went back to the pan, "Coming right up."

It seems that he tired to ignore me on purpose, like I would exist anymore. Even as I waved my hand in front of his face, he moved his entire head to the other side. Not joining on his childish behavior, I got back up to Nikaido's room, checking my belongings. I didn't own much from my previous life in my backpack, only one overall, one pair of shoes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a towel and my mask. The rest of my stuff was destroyed by flames. Out of the nightshirt from Kaiman, I took my overall for today. With my shoes, I got back down, seeing the fifth empty plate before the lizard head. This is going to be a long day, I could feel it.

In the world of sorcerers, En had planned to find the little mouse that got away.

Instead of going to hole on his own, he gave Ebisu and Fujita the job to track me down. He didn't feel in a hurry, so En wanted to give them a chance before the cleaners take over. Noi and Shin are far from thrilled about this, hoping that they don't have to do the search. They both prefer strong opponents that they can kill and not some weak girl they aren't allowed to cause pain. With his mushroom dolls, he could make a puppet from me as a child, "This is how she looks like as a kid, she might have changed a little over the years. Bring her here alive, understood?" Ebisu looked at the puppet with interest, "Cute." Fujita was ready and set to start the search, "You can count on us En Sir!"

"make sure that she won't get away, I would like to talk to her, before she gets executed."

Ebisu, a young girl with a skeleton head, didn't like the idea, "Don't kill cutie!" Finding the doll of me absolutely adorable, she began to undress the figure. En sighted, "Is that necessary?" She nodded, pressing the two bumps on the chest, "boobs." Fujita sweat dropped, "Never mind, we find her even without the clothes.

"Ahhhh, no, bad Kikurage!!!!!"

En had to control himself, as his patience was running thin. The little partner of the boss ate the puppet and its clothes, while Ebisu tried to save at least the upper part of it. Kikurage didn't waste anything swallowing the doll completely. Which left the boss no choice, but to give them his partner like a dog, "Kikurage knows her, I will lend her to you, but only if she comes back safe and sound." His partner means a lot to En and everyone knows what happens if she gets hurt or anything serious. To make sure that she stays close to the sorcerer, Ebisu stuffed the small creature into her bag giving a thumb up to Fujita, "Ready to go."

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