29. Jealous man

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I was about to panic, as Noi got closer. Chidaruma held me in place, unable for me to escape anywhere. Fearing that she found out, her finger pointed at my feet, "Cute shoes, how can you walk in those?" I shrugged, not really know how to answer that. Shin didn't see any interesting features on me, feeling more overwhelmed at the buffet behind me. En on the other hand, was stunned, "Is it the latest collection?" He rambled on about the newest designs at his business, including the dress I am wearing. Unsure, I leaned over to the devil, "What is he talking about?"

Chidaruma raised his hand up to hide his mouth, whispering, "Worry more about who he speaks to." En didn't seem to notice that I ignored him, while I asked the devil again, "To no one, obviously."

"Look closer"

I tried, but what should I look at? The sudden hit on my back, make my body fall over, right into the arm so the sorcerer. He held my arms in place, as I apologized quickly. The man in red wasn't even offended, not the slightest, "Don't be. You must have fallen over something." Chidaruma cleared his throat, making himself known to the sorcerer. En was not pleased by this interruption, "What do you want, can't you see that I am in a middle of a conversation?"

"I do but I was wondering, what a woman is doing in the arms of a powerful man like you En?"

The man in red leaned closer towards me, trying to see through the mask my eyes, "I wonder..." his hand reached up to my face, "...how do you look underneath this..."


It wasn't me shouting.

It was someone else. Chidaruma, En and I stared at a man with a bird mask. The sorcerer looks irritated, "What do you want Chota?!"

"She doesn't deserve you!" Still puzzled of what is going on, the bird man held on to En's arm, "I will always be your partner in crime...forever...I even got a tattoo with your name on." And I thought I seen all, a jealous man fighting with me of a man that wants me dead, that is new. The next, he grabbed a glass of champagne and poured it over me, "Take your hands of my man...you cow!"

Soaked again, I was irritated, "What the hell?!"

From the distance, Fukuyama and Kaiman watched the scene too, as well as all the other guests. The way I said it, make the lizard man suspicious, "Is it her?"

"What do you mean Kaiman?"

He nodded with his head in my way, "She sounded just like N/A, but isn't she supposed to be a servant?" Fukuyama assumed that he heard it wrong, "It can't be her, she looks like a noble sorcerer and she seems to be close to En." Kaiman agreed, he couldn't believe me being this close to a powerful sorcerer like the man in red, therefore they decided to look elsewhere.

Fukuyama was right; En was dangerously close to me.

Taking his coat off to cover me, he opened his mask. I feared that it was meant for me, but his head faced the bird man, covering him in black smoke. Now the guy had a mushroom for a head. While Chota was panicking, En held me close, "Are you alright my dear?" I nodded, shaking in fear.

"You must be cold, let me get you something "

Chidaruma had to suppress a fit of laughter, as En left me there and got inside the mansion. The devil felt highly entertained, "I wonder how he will react if he finds out who you really are?" Before this sorcerer could get back, I took off the high heels. Chidaruma looked a little irritated and yet, kept the smile on his face, "And what are you doing now?"

"What do you think I am doing...see ya!"

I am not sure if it is wise to run away from a devil, but it is worth a try. Since there were way too many people outside and I just stand out in the crowd, I headed inside the mansion. The chances of meeting En are high, but I had not other options left.

And it seems that two servants had the same idea.

Kaiman and Fukuyama checked all servants around the party, but not one was matching the lizard many description. Either they didn't have my size; they spoke differently or moved in another way. Fukuyama was impressed, "You sure know a lot about N/A." He got tense, "It's some small things I picked up on her behavior, no big deal."

"Where should we look?"

Kaiman was never inside this mansion, not sure where to go, "Ehm...this way...no...that way..." Every corridor looked the same, "...Ahhh...that way!"

I felt just as frustrated, taking the wrong path.

Although I did this on purpose, knowing that the other way leads to En's bed chamber. I needed a new disguise to get out of here. Aimlessly, I took opened on door after another, in hope to find the right either an exit or a room with clothes. With no clock around, it felt like time was flying by, "Who needs just a huge building?!" another door leads to the kitchen, "nope" the next was the bathroom, "nah!" a few more rooms aren't even in use, but at one door, my eyes began to hurt badly, everywhere I looked...was En. Dolls, figures, paintings, wallpaper...it was endless, "Okay, that is just freaking me out" Frustrated, I increased my speed, slamming one door open after another...until...


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