20. Stupid devils

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According to the devil, his kind would be a lot worse than any sorcerer could ever do.

"I didn't drag your ass out of this place for fun...well maybe a little, but for now you should get out of here..." its glowing eyes went over my head towards Nikaido, "...the both of you."

Taking the order of food, the devil left the restaurant. I still stood there, staring at the door. On the counter it left me a card, a blank one, "What should I do with an unwritten card?" Nikaido's voice, that was very close to my ear, made me jump, "Burn it."


She explained that it can be used to summon the devil, but not without a price...and you never know what they ask of you. Although they normally give them to sorcerers with a rare type of smoke, but with me, Nikaido was confused, "N/A, is there something I should know about you?"

I raised a brow, "Such as?"

"Such as, are you a sorcerer?"

For being skeptical, I felt annoyed...who is the one hiding her identity? "I am not...unlike you, the partner from En."

"Shhh, don't say it out loud" placing her hands onto my face, she blocked more than just my mouth, having some trouble to breath as well. Nikaido would tell me the whole story tonight, when everyone is asleep. Her plan was to climb on the roof for a chat, but it seems that someone else beats her to it. We found our lizard friend there, stuffing his face with meat bags. He wanted to know what we are on about, since he watched us a while ago in the restaurant, probably as I screamed at the woman for making me stop breathing. Kaiman offered me a seat between his legs, with the demand that I hand him the meat bags towards his head, feeding him. Nikaido just laughed at how lazy her friend can be. The night on the roof was peaceful; not a single sorcerer was on the street, not even any devils, while the moon was surrounded by a sky of blood. If it wasn't for the red color, it would be like in Hole. After a while Nikaido decided to go to bed, leaving us alone. Kaiman wasn't tired just yet, placing his head on my mine, "How do you like it here?"

"It's beautiful...but I prefer to get back to Hole."

"Geez, you sound like Nikaido." I didn't blame her for wishing for the human world. Kaiman agreed on one thing, "Those sorcerers are sure some nutcases. The last time we came here, we went into a restaurant that flushes the toilet with fire. You could even hear screams inside the thing...that is insane." I leaned back into his chest, "Kaiman, aren't you afraid of sorcerers?" I should have known, that he would laugh at that, "Me, scared? Don't be ridiculous N/A. I take on any sorcerer with my own bare hands." I just wish that I had the same confidence like he does. Turning around, I opened his jacket. That took him by surprise, ""What are you doing?"

"I am cold."

"Then get your own jacket" Although he said that, he didn't stop me from wrapping my arms around his waist. His body got tense, as I cuddled up to his neck. Unlike him, I didn't know what happened later on, since I felt asleep in that position. I woke up in bed, while I had Kaiman's jacket on, next to me slept the guy, with his yaw wide open. With his arm spread over the mattress, I held it in my arm like a teddy bear. He was just so warm and cuddly, I couldn't help myself. Tanba was far from find it cute. We both received a hit on the head...for being late for work.

For this, the owner gave us both the dirty chores for the day.

Kaiman was close to having a breakdown, remembering how bad it was to clean the toilets, especially when the devils used them. The trash was my job, carrying a bag the same size as me, out the back door and into a container. Pulling it up, I didn't see the bag being stuck at the corner of the metal box. Assuming it was the weight of the trash, I used force to gets it inside...ripping it open at the end.

The entire rubbish was covering the backyard.

"Just great!" the wind made it a whole lot worse. From the roof tops, I could hear a few devils chuckle at my mistake. This was not my day. Kaiman helped me out, after a few minutes of whining. He said that it happens; I shouldn't feel down about this, easy to say for him, when you are not the one with bad luck.

The lizard guy had to feel this later on.

Just as I entered the back yard, Kaiman had one of the large bags that hanged halfway over the container. From underneath him, a devil held it tight. The lizard man was irritated, "What now?" And it came just how I felt, the bag was torn apart and an angry Kaiman was having a tantrum. OF course, we shouldn't forget the laughing audience on the rooftops. Smiling I stood behind him, "Don't worry Kaiman, it happened, don't worry about this. Woah hey...hey!!!!!!!"

I one go, he threw me into the container.

Dusting off his arms, his smile came bag, "that's better." Without another word, he went back into the restaurant, while I was sat in the container.


Instead of a pool of balls, I was buried underneath a pile of trash and it stinks horribly. With my head the only thing peeking out from all the rubbish, I could see a gloved hand, "About time Kaiman!" Grabbing it, I was pulled out of the container...by someone else.

"Who are you?"

Two men with masks, reaching their hands out in my direction; black smoke was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

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