14. A new job

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I had to explain to Nikaido about the whole situation later on. She had to get Kaiman home, because he collapsed on his way there. I feared that she will be really angry with me, seeing her working on the meat, while her eyes were fixed on me, "How in the hell did he get pissed like that?!"

"Simple...he just drank...and drank...and drank..."

"Why didn't you stop him?"

"Like I said...he just drank...there was no point in stopping him."


I sighted loud, "Because he just kept doing it anyway!"

Not accepting my excuse, Nikaido wants us to do a job for Dr. Kasukabe. He needs a few more corpses for his experiment and we should transport them to his house. She did that with Kaiman before, so it shouldn't be a problem for me. The meat was completely mashed by now, as she pointed at the note on the wall, "This is the address, don't mess it up N/A. Take a shower; get dressed and head over to Kaiman."

"Why can't I just do it alone?"

"You cannot carry all the corpses on your own."

I tried to explain that I dragged the lizard guy's ass around, so it shouldn't be a big deal. Unfortunately, the doctor needs them in one piece, "Don't argue, you take Kaiman with you and that is the end of that." Before I could get upstairs, she handed me a first aid kit, "Oh and take care for his wounds."

"Why me? It is not my fault that he deliberately let his opponent hit his face." Even if he was cutting himself, it didn't matter for Nikaido. With some painkillers and a can of beer packed into my bag, I went over to this drunk of a lizard man. It wasn't hard to find him, lying on his bed...snoring loud. Nikaido didn't even undress him; just dump the guy on the bed and left. His face was still horribly beaten up and the blood was about to dry. As try as I might...I didn't want to wake him. Maybe to clean his face might be the best thing to do now, getting a piece of cloth form his cupboard. The touch of cold water and his skin, made him twitch at the contact. Besides that he slept like a baby, drooling a little too. His chest had a few cuts too, pressing the cloth against it. The skin seems to be more sensitive, as he began to shudder. In one go; Kaiman's right arm got behind my back and pulled me against his naked chest. He smelled like vomit, booze and sweat, being this close it was even more intense.

"Get up Kaiman!"



"..." his body began to move, "...Zzzzzzzz..." only to continue his snoring.

I never thought I had to use this move, opening my mouth wide. Not to hurt, but to give him a shock, I bit into his shoulder. Instantly, he was wide awake and I on the ground. I should be lucky to be there; otherwise a long knife might have slit my throat. Kaiman's eyes were wide in shock, while holding a blade in my direction, "Are you insane?!"

"Says the drunk, that doesn't know his own limit!"

Suddenly, he grabbed his head in pain. Getting up so quick was not good, making him dizzy again. Not to argue with him at this moment, I just stated that Nikaido had sent me here to get him cleaned up. Kaiman refused to cooperate, until he watched me open a can of beer, "Where is mine?!"

Taking one sip, I handed it over, "That is yours, although I had to get the taste out of my mouth" referring to his shoulder. I gave him the can only under one condition, "Take the painkillers with it. Today will be a long day." Kaiman didn't understand, preferring to lie in all day, do nothing.

"Sorry if I have to crush your plans for the day, Nikaido has a job for us."

Drinking the beer slowly, he listened to me. To transport something was nothing new to him, but the fact that they have to visit this mansion again, send chills down his spine. If it wasn't for Nikaido telling him, he would have refused this job.

"How is Nikaido anyway?"

I shrugged, "The usual, alive and kicking. We will be in big trouble if we mess us this assignment."

"Relax, it will be the usual thing, just don't get in my way."

"I was about to say the same thing" Thankfully I didn't have to watch him get ready; my next step was to rent a car for us. At least I hope he would argue with me about the kind of vehicle I chose. Nikaido had also a card for that store, so it must be easy to find.

Unlike the one that came running towards me.

With a mask of a long nose and winter hat, he tried to catch his breath before me, "Have you...seen...a woman and an animal?"

"Not for a long time"

He seems to be panicking, mumbling about to get killed if he won't find his partner. The only advice I could give, was to ask the homeless guy down the road, he may know if that woman had crossed his path. He gave me his hand for my help and kept running into the opposite direction. It must have been luck, that he didn't see Kaiman coming out of his house. Before his day starts to get stressful, he gets some fresh air first. Knowing that I had to help him instead of Nikaido, he will take his sweet time to get ready, taking it as payback for me biting his shoulder.

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