35. Two against one

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Kaiman didn't know what I have been up to recently.

His mind was completely on Nikaido, planning already a way to get inside the mansion. This time, Tanba won't be able to help, since there are no festivals planed, therefore there is no reason for his food van. The lizard man thought of something else. All he needed was one of the servants to get his hands on and change into their clothes.

"Won't work", said the owner.

"Why not? It worked before"

Tanba gave him the newspaper, the new one he just got from Fukuyama, "It says here: happy days, the time changing sorcerer is back. For safety reasons, the mansion shall be closed for further notice, as well as the amount of guards, with personalized smoke recognizer, will be more than usual. Any visitors have to go through an inspection, not exceptions." Kaiman took a look over it one more time, the boss is right. A picture is shown of Nikaido and En, underneath another image of a servant of his, "what is this about?"

The owner of the restaurant stared at it bored, "Just a servant of his made a runner, nothing important to know about."

"Not for me it isn't", the lizard man had a plan. Tanba had no need to ask, knowing what he is up to, "No way, you want to pretend to be this person?!" Kaiman nodded. No personal smoke to be recognized at or the appearance, since that person wore the same outfit like all servants, "Before I reveal myself, I had them killed, simple as that."

"You need the uniform first...and the right size."

True, Kaiman was just too huge for it. Remembering how it was too tight the last time, he agreed. Without the boss permission, Fukuyama offered her support, finding the right person for him at the gates. With the help of Asuka and her magic, it will be fairly easy. That is, if she cooperates...

"Absolutely not!" ...Which may be harder than they thought.

Her reason was pretty obvious on why she wont help, "if I leave, my precious Tanba will be all alone."

Fukuyama assured her, that she will be back soon; Asuka refused. Kaiman though of something, "If oyu are nto helping, I will proposed to your precious Tanba."

"You wouldn't dare!"

The lizard man grinned, "Why not, I always had the hots for hairy men. He makes my heart melt when he looks at me."

"Back off, he is mine!"

Asuka had no chance against Kaiman's mean trick. Before it could turn out into a fight; Fukuyama got between them, "How about you help us and Kaiman will give up on Tanba." The woman thought for a minute, "So let me get this straight; Ill help and this ugly man gets his hands of my Tanba"

Kaiman nodded at Fukuyama, "She gets the picture...wait...ugly?!"

Asuka smiled evil, "You never pass as a woman!"

"Because I am a man!"

She didn't give up, "Like anyone would fancy you..."

That hit a nerve, "There are plenty of girl that would want me!!!!"

Fukuyama giggled, "Like N/A?"

"Yes...shit!!!" The two women enjoyed his unexpected confession. Kaiman's scales were getting a little red from blushing. Asuka raised her hands up, "Fine I help...but let's get one thing straight..." The lizard man and Fukuyama waited for her next words, as her lips turned to a cheeky grin, "...that girl of yours has my deepest sympathy."

Kaiman was furious, ready to take out his knives, "Why you...!!!!"

Thankfully, Fukuyama could pretend the worst case of unnecessary slaughter from a female sorcerer. It would be the last time he would work together with Asuka that is for sure.

What isn't so sure, was how I get out of here alive?

I cannot run forever, I have no idea where I should go to either. Shin used the car to follow me and Noi went on foot. With the cat thing in my arms isn't it any easier, not able to enter any building. The guards were making sure of that. Small roads are hardly to be found and the man in his heart mask had cut off my paths several times with the car. Noi was getting excited, using her monstrous powers to destroy walls and throw barrels in my direction. My only thought was: I don't want to die!!!!!!!!! If I had known, that I got a creature here to revive the dead and a woman that is capable of healing, it may have been easier to think more clearly. Exhaustion made it even worse.

Unlike me, Kikurage loved the thrill, enjoying the warmth of my arms wrapped around its tiny waist. It was all it ever dreamed off, despite being chased by En's cleaners. If I wasn't so focused to run, it would demand to be cuddled and fed by my hands.

Shin used another approach, stopping the vehicle.

Inside, they stil had the bags from a previous mission, filled with enemies of the En family. He never tried this method, but now, Shin would have a good chance ot test it out. Withtwo bags, he left the car and headed towards two roads. Releasing only the sliced up hands and feet, they began to move on their own. All he had to do, was wiat for his partner to lead me into this direction. Noi could feel where Shin was, throwing another barrel at me, "Lets change the way, shall we?"

Dodging it by an inch, I panted hard, "Why cant they just give up?!"

"Nya (Unlucky)"

"Shut up you, that is all your fault!"

"Nya? Nyaaa (Me? Don't be ridiculous)"

Running almost blind though the streets, something held on to my foot. Another thing made me trip, falling to my side. With horror, I had to look into the eyes of the cleaners. Shin was proud of his new idea, while Noi arrived right on time, "So, who won?"

Shin shrugged, "My trap and you got her here...it is a draw."

This is not good...

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