36. It all comes together

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I found myself in the back of the car, sitting beside the two bags of sliced up people.

To see the man with the heart mask collecting the hands and feet from the street was disturbing. Noi on the other hand, held the cat thing in her arms, while it started to whine loud, looking in my direction. I ignored the fur ball, staring out the window. There is no surprise where we are heading to. So this is it, I thought, the end of it all. The vehicle passed three citizens in disguise, watching the car enter the mansion.

Fukuyama recognized the owner of this one, "Careful Kaiman, the cleaners of En are back."

"It won't be the first time to fight them. Trust me, I got it all covered."

Asuka snorted, "Like your feelings for this poor girl."

"Will you ever shut up about this?!"

She just couldn't believe that a woman would be insane enough to want this lizard man. Just the thought to kiss him made her sick. Kaiman tried his best to ignore her nasty comments, keeping in mind that they need her magic.

"Kaiman, over there" Fukuyama pointed at a tall guard.

"Not bad, about the same size as me. Hey bat girl, your turn."

Asuka grumbled, "Who are you calling bat girl, lizard brain." Once more, Fukuyama had to stop these two from a blood bath, telling them to get ready. She had a point; one of the guards was heading their way, "What are you doing here?"

"Sightseeing?" guessed Kaiman.

"This road is off limits, leave at once."

Asuka had enough, "Oh please..." she took a step forward to the guard, letting her magic to the work. In an instant, he spoke a different tone, "What is your wish my love?"

"Tell this man to get over here" she said, referring to the tall guard. Impressed by Asuka, Kaiman was glad that this part was quite easy. Beating the man up senseless and into the uniform, the lizard man was ready to start his plan. Unaware that he has been watched by the jealous woman. Once he turned around, he shrieked at her stare, "What?!"

"Too much muscle and no brain"

Kaiman growled, "Get out of my sight, before I slash you to pieces!" At least for once, Asuka heard and left them two alone. Fukuyama wished him good luck before leaving him as well, "Oh Kaiman?"


"Don't listen to Asuka. I am sure you make a perfect boyfriend for N/A."

Kaiman grinned a the compliment, "Thanks Fukuyama"

At the same time, a visitor entered the restaurant. He was greeted by Tanba personally, since it was a new customer the owner hadn't seen before. It got weird as another person came in, making the Tanba worried, "Hey, I don't want giant bugs in my restaurant!" The customer accepted this demand, "That is okay. Johnson, go outside and wait there." Kasukabe has his own mask to hide his identity, asking the owner about Kaiman. Tanba crossed his arms over his chest, "He is not around anymore."

"Is he dead?"

The owner shook his head, "He left." Where Kaiman went, he didn't say, not sure of whom this new customer was. The doc however, noticed his sepsis, "Sorry, I should have introduced myself. I am Dr. Kasukabe, a friend from Kaiman. I got terrible news for him."

"Like I said, he isn't here anymore."

"Well whatever it is, please tell him that N/A is back in this world."

Tanba was shocked, "N/A? How did she get back?!"

"I think I know the answer, will you tell him the news?" Of course he will; Tanba agreed to let the lizard man know...but it may be already too late. Kasukabe thanked the owner before leaving the restaurant, getting on Johnsons back, "Okay, that is done. Now we have to pay my wife a visit."


In En's mansion, a certain someone was beginning to wake up.

Fukuyama did a really good job, making Nikaido sleep for hours. But the woman was not pleased to find herself. She now this place, staring at the chains on her wrists. Leaning forward was getting harder, by having a collar around her neck. Her worst nightmare has turned into reality; she was back in that place, "How did I get here?" The cold walls of painted mushrooms on them, didn't give her any answers. Closing her eyes for a minute, she thought back for what happened. That I was kidnapped, Kaiman and her wanted to save me...what happened next? Nikaido had no clue.

Neither did I, now standing before the sorcerer in red.

Noi patted my shoulder playfully, "We found her, isn't this great?" Shin nodded, "We found her and Kikurage together, it was fun to catch this human girl" Their cheerful attitude had no effect on my body, shaking violently before En. His eyes didn't show any sign of anger, neither rid he open his mask. He got closer, watching me up close, "Well done you two. You can go now." Being alone with him was even worse. The feeling of him walking around me like a hawk was scary. Once he stopped in front of me, he spoke, "Tell me your name."

My voice was shaking badly, "...N...N...N/A."

His eyes got curious, "Haven't we met before?" I shook my head, hoping he buys it. En thought of where he heard my voice before, handing me a pen and paper, "Write down..." That caught me off guard, as he began to list things of his usual routines. He cleared his throat, as I just stood there like a statue.

"What are you waiting for?"

I shook my head again, writing down quickly. Still not sure of what he wanted, I jumped at his next move. With a blink of an eye, he ripped the paper off my hands, going towards his draw. Now I realized his plan...he checked the handwriting with the one I wrote as his personal servant.

"So it is you" he simply said, as his eyes darkened. His glare was sending chills down my spine.

A life beyond insanity (Kaiman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now