11. A match

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Kaiman was surely a piece of work. He didn't leave me alone, not even in a drunk state, "N/A!!!!!" Crawling on all four after me, I felt really embarrassed by the people passing by. The stares were just too much to handle. Turning around I stomped my feet, "Good grief, get on your feet!"

Raising a hand towards me he whined, "Help meeee"

I should have known that it won't stay by getting him up to his feet, as his entire body feel forward. Not sure if he knew, Kaiman was caught, now lying on my shoulders. With his arms around me and head leaning over, his entire weight was on me. This drunken bastard had clamped on me, just so I would pull him back to Nikaido's restaurant. I swear, this guy will be the death of me.

Meanwhile, the blonde woman was already in her third round boxing fight.

This time it wasn't some old men, manipulated by a sorcerer, but someone who used his own powers to his advantage. The opponent was a sorcerer himself. His specialty; is taking the strength of the one attacking and use it against them. Nikaido had no change, not even her little tricks worked...losing the fight in the eighth round. Some of the other fighters know the young woman, hoping that she will be alright. Nikaido was pulled out of the ring and into a room where no one knew what is going to happen on the other side.

Thankfully she told me about her number to her home.

Kaiman couldn't press any button, seeing everything double. Even so, once we were in, I got him off my shoulders and up to the bedroom. The lizard man had slowly got up from the ground and grabbed the counter for support, "My head...I need a beer..." From upstairs I heard him fall several times, till a new sound came up. Curious, I took a peek around the corner, only to scream out, "What the hell are you doing?!!!!!" The sudden noise made him drop the beer, falling backwards, hitting the counter with his head, "Owwwww"

"You are drunk enough plus, this is Nikaido's stuff, you can't just take whatever you want!"

He reached out for the fridge, only to receive a slap onto the back of his hand, "I said no!"

"Don't be a kill joy N/A. Just one drink"

"You never learn do you?!" Knowing that he would annoy me till I give in, I decided to do it right away, "here!" Kaiman didn't catch the can instantly, wobbling around the floor to grab it. Seeing as he tried to open the beer was pathetic, "Oh man...give!" Snatching it off his hands I opened the lid and back to him. In one go, the fluid disappeared in his throat, "...one more...pleaaaassssseeeeee?" I didn't like the sound of that, opening the fridge. At that moment, the leaflets fell towards my foot. Ignoring Kaimans whining to hurry, I read the paper slowly, "Death blow Noshinto?"

"N/A, what are you waiting for?!"

Instead of beer, I showed him the leaflet, "What is that?"

Kaiman made a face of disgust, "...your breath...is a death blow."

For this, his knee had to suffer, getting a right kick, "Care to explain it once more?" The lizard guy needs a minute, rubbing his knee, "It is a competition...boxing or something..."

"And where does it take place?"

"Don't ask me so much...I got a headache..." Furious, I grabbed a bucket and filled it with cold water. Nikaido never mentioned this to me. Not liking the idea of her fighting for money, I feared that she might be in danger. I guess that an underground boxing match will be more brutal than official fights. In one go, the lizard guy was wide awake, screaming out. After a few more curses in my direction, I could ask him again. Furious, he told me about it, being there before.

"Before? So you fought too?"

Kaiman nodded, "So what? I just did because Nikaido was there...and the entrance fee was cheaper."

"Did she win?"

At this, he laughed out loud, "Nikaido lost big time...almost got sold of to some sorcerer..."


He didn't like the way I looked at him. Kaiman knew what I wanted, "Oh come on! I am not in the mood to fight." One threat with the bucket and he got up slowly, "...I'll go...I go...damn it." With him wobbling behind me, it took some time till we got to the right address. One our way, only one person passed us, looking like he was in a hurry. Since it was getting cold I pulled the hoodie of the overall over my head. Kaiman on the other hand, felt extremely hot and took off his jacket. Without asking I grabbed it from his hands, only to make sure he won't lose all his clothes before we reached our destination.

The young man from before was not only in a hurry, he was panicking. He lost his partner and En's pet like partner. Fujita already had scenarios in his head, of what En would do to him if they fail the mission. Seeing the lizard guy and that girl in the streets didn't help his nerves either. Ebisu however, was far from scared, pressing her skeleton mask against a window, staring at the beautiful clothes on the mannequins, "...pretty..." Kikurage did the same, only on the store beside hers, drooling of all the meat hanging on hooks, "Nyaaa..." (Tasty...)

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