22. Not talking

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For the man in red a simple answer, "New servants Shin, the others were spying, snooping around or just getting lazy."

Shin seems to be surprised, as he saw me and the other man in the bedroom, discussing how to make the bed, "I heard they are humans. What is the reason for that?"

En leaned back in his chair, "I can't stand this sorcerers that work here only to get near me. I am not looking for a partner, but they don't seem to understand that. Humans won't bother me. Let's see how it goes."

"En, I want to know something. It's about this girl you are hunting down."

"You heard?"

He told him how he was told by Noi and why he didn't give them the job. The man in red sighted, "Let Ebisu and Fujita deal with this first and if they fail...I will let you know." Shin could tell that there was more to this story. He didn't know about this deal with Chidaruma the devil. Even as Noi arrived, En didn't say anymore than he already has. Her loud noises made me turn around, standing there like a statue. I thought they already found out who I was, my body shook violently. It was luck that the man snapped me right out of it, getting back to the instructions, "Listen, as En's personal servant, you have to do everything in order. That also means for you to wake him up in the morning, help him get dressed and serve him his meals, the rest will come later." Leaning towards him I asked, "Can't anyone else do this?" He nodded, "Sure, but you are the first to give it a try. In this position, you never know how long you will survive, that depends on En's mood. The last one was gone in a few hours, because she dropped his clothes." Wishing me good luck, I received a paper with the entire schedule for the day. Above it, it says: Do not talk without permission. The etiquette as his personal servant was to stand next to him and wait for orders. When he has to wake up, I ring a bell. Before dressing him, I have to wait for him to nod in approval and many other things I had to learn in his presence. They were all rules made by En personally and shall not be broken at any cost. Combining the time on the paper and the clock nearby, it was time for lunch. Someone else brought the food into the room, gesturing for me to make my move. The other two stayed as well, while I had to serve them all the meals too. It was agonizing to serve my parents murderer food, making it harder not to throw it into their faces. Not paying any attention to me, they kept on talking.

Noi was still annoyed that her cousin didn't tell her about this mission.

En just waved it off, "It is not your business Noi. Let the others give it a try."

"They just mess it up" she pouted.

That is something her cousin doesn't like to hear. He asked them where they are right now, as Noi nodded, "In Hole, still searching for this girl."

Not to gain any attention, I sighted very quietly. So they are still searching, they haven't found me yet. Relieved, I placed the place before En. Suddenly, his hand grabbed my wrist, staring at me with anger, "I only eat mushrooms!"

Oh crap, I made a mistake! It wasn't even on the list!

Nothing else but the paper in my hand, I covered my face with it. Scared that I get killed now, I heard him stunned, "Oh, I forgot." He took the paper off my hand, "The rule is not on the list. Consider yourself lucky." With a dark glare, he made me understand to correct my mistake. Quickly, I served him the right meal, gaining a 'well done'from him. Backing off from the sorcerers, my body couldn't stop shaking. I almost got killed for such a small mistake; will I even survive till the next day or even one night...or a few hours?

Kaiman and Nikaido looked around for me after work, till late at night.

No one had seen me ever since this morning. Kaiman was starting to get worried, "She knows how dangerous this place is."

"I don't think she left on her own free will"

He asked her on how Nikaido can be so sure about this. She explained, "She disappeared this morning and the whole place and streets were filled with sorcerers, at least one person must have seen her leaving the restaurant. There is only two ways out of the backyard; through the restaurant and the other is the small alley. But the alley was also filled with many people, so why didn't anyone see her?" No one can answer this, but Nikaido won't give up, "Kaiman, I need all your money you got. It is the only way to find out where she went."

The lizard man nodded, at his while going through his pocket, "This is all I got."

"Let's hope it is enough. Stay here, I will be back soon." If he comes along, they will need more money for both of them. Kaiman accepted that, but he was curious of where his friend wants to go, "Wait, where are you going?!" She smiled wide, "Meeting Asu and Risu." For the lizard man was this okay, as long as she returns tonight.

My nightmare was still ongoing; following my boss into the bedroom.

Holding up his clothes for the night, he was still working on his business. My next job was to sit beside him, writing down everything for the next day. One of the things was to meet up with the two sorcerers that are ordered to find me. I didn't want to be around when they arrive.

"You did well for now."

Surprised, I looked at the sorcerer before me. He didn't look so scary anymore wearing his Pyjama, although he kept the mask on, "Make my clothes ready for tomorrow." I nodded, leaving his bed and toward the door.


Turning around, he was pulling his bed sheet over him, "Good night"

Still standing there, I just nodded at this. The man didn't seem to like it, "You have permission to speak."

As much as I didn't want to say anything, I made my voice as deep as possible, "Good night." Now I could leave him alone. Outside in the corridor, I supported myself on the wall, only to drop to the ground. I don't know if I could do this for long. I f I wasn't so scared of this sorcerer, I would have told him to go to hell. Somehow it doesn't sound like an insult, since hell is just around the corner.

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