chapter eight

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My alarm went off in my ear. I groan. I'm so damn tired, I don't want to get up.

" Millie, turn your damn alarm off." Liam mumbles next to me. I sit up in bed and turn my alarm off. I get out of bed and walk to my closet and grab some work clothes. I slip my work clothes on and threw my pajamas in the dirty clothes pile.

I walk to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over the place and I looked tired. I guess I gotta fix that.

I grab my hairbrush and started to brush through my hair. My hair wasn't listening to me so I threw it up in a bun. I wasn't going to fight with my hair. I grab my makeup from its hiding place and fixed myself up.

As I was appling mascara, Liam comes into the bathroom and wraps his arms around my waist. He places his chin on my shoulder. He had a smile plastered on his face. I look at him through the mirror.

" What's up with that smile?" I ask.

" Oh nothing really. I just really love my wife." Liam says. I roll my eyes. I release my grip from Liam and walk out of the bathroom. I walk across the hall and to Luke's room.

" What are you doing now?" Liam asks.

" I'm waking the kids up. They need to go to school." I say.

" Let me wake them up." Liam says. I open Luke's door.

" No, its okay. I always wake them up." I say. I walk to Luke's bed with Liam following me. Luke was curled up in a ball with Bobby and Elvis next to him.

" Lukey, it's time to get up. What do you want for breakfast?" I whisper loud enough for him to hear.

He rolls to his other side and mumbles," Waffles."

" Okay. Just make sure you get up and downstairs." I say. I walk out of the room with Liam still following me. I walk down the hall and to Kaylee's room. I walk into her room and walk to her bed. Kaylee was hanging off the bed with her baby blanket shoved in her hand. I fix her so she's laying correctly on the bed. She flutters her eyes open as I fix her.

" Morning mummy." Kaylee says.

" Morning peanut. What do you want for breakfast?" I say. Kaylee notices Liam standing behind me and hides under her covers.

" Mummy, monster." Kaylee says.

" Kaylee, there isn't a monster in here. And if there were, daddy and I would scare them away." I say.

" Daddy scary." Kaylee says. I roll my eyes. I turn around and face Liam.

" Kaylee is still not used to you yet. Can you go downstairs and make Luke his waffles? The frozen ones should be in the freezer." I say. Liam nods his head and pecks my lips.

" It'll be a while till she gets used to me. I've never been in her life and me coming in saying that I'm daddy is gonna freak her out." Liam says.

" Okay, I get it. Just get Luke his waffles." I say. Liam walks out Kaylee's room. Kaylee slowly creeps out from under the covers.

" I don't like this daddy mummy." Kaylee says. I help her out of bed.

" Well, we're stuck with him for a while. You don't have to like him right now, but you have to act like you like him sometime." I say," Come on. Daddy is gonna make us breakfast."

" No! He can hurt our food! I warn Lukey!" Kaylee says. She runs out of her room. I follow her. She runs into Luke's room and gasps.

" Mummy! He not in here!" Kaylee gasps. She runs back where I am in the hallway.

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