chapter thirty-eight

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" Mommy, where are we going?" Luke asks from the backseat. Liam was driving the family to my parents house because Matt is having a party for turning 1.

" Luke, we've already told you where we're going." I say.

" I know, but Kaylee forgot and told me to ask you." Luke says.

" No I didn't! Mummy, Lukey is lying!" Kaylee says on the verge of screaming.

" Hey peanut, there's no need to get worked up over this. We all need to calm down and not blame each other." Liam says.

" I know, but I don't like when Lukey blames me for stuff I didn't do." Kaylee says crossing her arms over her chest and pouting her lip.

" It's going to happen peanut. I remember when Uncle Logan used to blame me for things he used to do." I say.

" Did you get yelled at?" Kaylee asks.

" No because I was my daddy's angel. My dad always took my side." I say.

" That's not fair!" Luke says.

" Maybe you shouldn't blame your sister for things you do." I say. Luke stays quiet.

" I'm sorry mommy." Luke eventually says.

" No, don't say sorry to me. Say you're sorry to Kaylee." I say.

" Sorry Kaylee." Luke mumbles.

" Well, here's the bright side. We're here." Liam says. We all get out of the car. Liam takes Jason out of the car and I grab Matt's present. We walk to the front door. Kaylee presses the doorbell and I hear shuffling come from behind the door. The door swung open and my mother was standing there.

" Amelia! I'm so glad to see you showed up!" Mother says.

" Yep. Wouldn't want to miss seeing my nephew." I say. Mother lets us in and we all slip our shoes off. Mother takes Matt's present out of my hands and puts it on the coffee table.

" Where is Rachel?" I ask. I hear footsteps walk up the stairs.

" Why do you always forget about me?" Niall says with Matt in his arms. Rachel was right behind him.

" Uncle Niall!" Luke and Kaylee exclaim. They run to him and throw their arms around his legs.

" Hey kiddos!" Niall says.

" Because I don't expect you to be here. I mean, I should since you never learned how to go home." I say.

" And why would I want to miss my son's first birthday?" Niall asks.

" Good point." I say.

" Glad you could make it Millie." Rachel says. She walks over to me and gives me a hug.

" It's no problem." I say.

" Daddy, can we take Jay and Matt downstairs?" Luke asks.

" You can take Jay, just be careful." Liam says handing Jason over to Luke. Luke walks up to Niall.

" Uncle Niall, can we take Matt?" Luke asks.

" Sure. But you have to make sure Matt walks by himself. He gets fussy when he isn't walking by himself." Niall says placing Matt on the ground.

" Okay." Luke says. Luke and Kaylee lead Matt and Jason downstairs. I look at Niall and Rachel.

" I remember when he was first born." I say.

" Yeah, same. And he looked like a wonderful potato." Niall says.

" You did not call your son a potato." Liam says.

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