chapter twenty four

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" No! I can't give birth yet! My husband isn't here yet!"

" Ma'am, you're ten centimeters. You need to give birth now." The doctor informs me. I shake my head as another contraction hits me.

" I can't. I need my husband with me." I say.

" We need to start without him." The doctor says.

" Can we hold off a little more? He should be here soon." I say trying to ignore my contractions.

" We can't hold off anymore. You need to start pushing." The doctor says. He gets in the position.

" No. I'm not pushing until my husband is with me." I say. The midwife walks up to me.

" Maybe you should call him and tell him that you're having the baby." The midwife says.

" But, he's almost here! I need to wait for him." I say. I can feel cupcake trying to push out of me.

" Here's a better idea. Call him and have him on the phone with you while you're giving birth." The midwife says.

" I guess that can work." I say trying to contol my breathing. The midwife hands me a phone and I dial Liam's phone number. I press call and put the phone on speaker.

" I am so sorry Millie. We're almost there. I had to pick up Louis, and there's so much traffic." Liam immediately says once he picked the phone up.

" It's okay Liam. I'm calling to tell you that I'm giving birth right now." I say.

" But Millie, you said you would wait until I got there." Liam says. A strong contraction came and I let out a pained moan.

" Sorry Li, the doctor is making me push. But I'll stay on the phone with you." I say.

" Please stay on the phone Millie." Liam says.

" Mrs. Payne, I need you to start pushing." The doctor instructs. I nod my head. I start pushing.

" You can do it Mill. I believe in you." Liam cheered through the phone.

" What is mommy doing?" Luke asks in the background.

" Well, you're younger brother is coming now and mummy is helping him come into the world." Liam explains.

" Li, it hurts." I whimper.

" It's okay Millie. Fight through the pain. After all the pain you can finally hold your son." Liam says.

" Be strong Millie! We're almost there!" Louis says.

" I feel the head. Push." The doctor says. I look at angrily.

" I am pushing asshole!" I yell pushing again.

" Millie, don't swear, you're on speaker and Luke and Kaylee can hear you." Liam says.

" Well, get off speaker idiot! I don't want them listening to me!" I yell.

" But I'm driving." Liam says.

" Then let Louis just talk to me! Just fucking get off speaker!" I yell.

" The head is almost out, Mrs. Payne. Push a little harder." The doctor says. I continued to push harder than I was before.

" You can do it Millie! I want to see my cupcake!" Louis cheers. I feel the head slip out. Loud screams filled the room.

" Two or three more pushes and your baby will come out." The doctor informs me. I nod my head. I push two more times and I feel cupcake slip out of me. Cupcake's cries become louder. I lay my head back.

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