chapter nineteen

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I felt someone shaking my body and saying something in my ear. But I was too tired to function what it was. Then I heard a specific sound and smelt a specific smell to know what's going on. Luke or Kaylee is sick.

I open my eyes and adjust to the darkness in the room. I look next to me to see Kaylee standing next to my bed, tears falling down her face. I sit up and pull her up so she's sitting on my lap. I kiss her forehead.

" Kaylee, what's wrong baby? Why are you crying?" I ask wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

" I sorry mummy. I throw up." Kaylee quietly sobs.

" No, don't be sorry peanut. It's not your fault. Stay here and I'll clean it up." I say. I place her next to me on the bed. I look at Liam and shake him awake.

" What?" Liam mumbles, sleep laced in his voice.

" Kaylee threw up. Can you clean it?" I ask.

" Why can't you clean it up?" Liam asks. He turns in the bed so his butt is facing us.

" Because I need to see if she will be alright. Just clean it up please." I say. Liam lets out a deep sigh.

" You're lucky I love you." Liam says. He stands up and walks around the bed," Do you know where she vomited?"

" I'm not so sure." I say. All of a sudden, Liam lets out a gagging sound.

" I'm pretty sure I found it and stepped in it." Liam says.

" Oh, sorry Li." I say. I look at Kaylee," Kaylee, tell mommy what's hurting you."

" My tummy hurts." Kaylee says.

" Do you feel cold peanut?" I ask.

" I don't know mummy." Kaylee says. She lays her head down on my lap. I place my head on her forehead. Her head was burning up. I look at Liam through the darkness.

" Li, I think she has a fever." I say.

" Do you want me to get the thermometer?" Liam asks.

" Yes, and can you turn the light on?" I ask.

" I was planning on turning the light on anyway." Liam says. I hear Liam walk to the light switch. I shield Kaylee's eyes as Liam turns the light on. I look at the throw up on the side of our bed and it was what we had last night for dinner. Liam walks out of the room. I look down at Kaylee.

" It's gonna be alright peanut." I say. I grab my phone and look what time it is. 2:38 is what my phone read. I mentally groaned. Liam walked back in and he had cleaning supplies, a throw up bucket, medicine, the thermometer, and extra clothes for Kaylee. He walks to the bed and throws everything onto the bed. I grab the thermometer and make Kaylee sit up.

" Peanut, sit up for me please." I say.

" But tummy hurts." Kaylee says.

" I know Kay, but I need you to sit for me for one second." I say. She sits up and faces me. I place the thermometer in her mouth. I wait for the thermometer to start beeping. Liam started gagging.

" This is disgusting." Liam says.

" Welcome to my world." I say brushing through Kaylee's bedhead. The thermometer starts beeping. I take it out and look at it. 102 F.

" Li, she's fevered." I say placing the thermometer on the bedside table. Kaylee lays her head back down on my lap.

" Should we take her to the hospital?" Liam asks.

" No. She isn't that bad. She just needs to rest and get some medicine in her." I say brushing through her hair.

" Are you going to work today then?" Liam asks.

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