chapter sixteen

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I was on my way home from work. I had to leave a little earlier than usual because I need to get Kaylee to dance class. If I left when I normally do, she would always be late and she doesn't like being late. Well, I don't like being late either, so she gets that from me.

I pull into the driveway. I park the car and get out. I walk to the front door in the cold January weather. I open the door and quickly shut it so none of the cold can escape into the house. I slip my shoes and coat off. I place my purse on the coat rack. I walk into the house.

" Luke? Kaylee? Where are you?" I call out.

" We are down here mommy!" Luke calls back. I walk to the stairs that lead downstairs and to the family room. I walk down the stairs to find Luke and Kaylee watching Digimon. Kaylee wasn't dressed for dance.

" Kaylee, we need to go to dance. Why aren't you dressed? I had your outfit all laid out for you." I say.

" Oh. Sorry mummy." Kaylee says.

" It's okay peanut. Just quickly go get your clothes on." I say. Kaylee nods her head. She stands up and runs upstairs. I look at Luke.

" Who dropped Kaylee off Luke?" I ask.

" I don't know mommy. I came home and it was just Kaylee." Luke says. I look at him weird.

" Okay, that's a little weird. So, no one was at the bus stop for you after school?" I say.

" No. But Anthony's mom walked me home." Luke says.

" Did you say thank you at least?" I ask. Luke nods his head.

" Okay good. Come on. Let's go to the car." I say.

" Can I bring Patamon?" Luke asks standing up from the couch.

" Of course you can munchkin." I say. Luke walks up the stairs and I follow him. I walk upstairs to find Kaylee trying to put her hair up. I walk behind her and start brushing through her hair.

" Here, I can put your hair up peanut." I say.

" Okay mummy." Kaylee says.

I bring her hair up into a high ponytail. I look at her through the mirror.

" Do you want your hair up in a bun?" I ask. Kaylee shakes her head. I nod my head.

" Alright, come on. Let's get you to dance." I say. We walk out of the bathroom and downstairs. Luke was standing by the door in his winter gear waiting for us to come down. I help Kaylee put on her boots and winter coat on. She grabs he dance bag as I put my shoes and coat on. We were about to leave when Luke stops me.

" What's up Lukey?" I ask.

" You need a warmer coat." Luke says.

" No, its okay Lukey. I'll be fine." I say trying to get them out of the door.

Luke shakes his head," But your tummy will be cold." He's worried about his sibling. My heart swelled at that thought.

" No, Lukey, it's okay. My tummy will be alright. We have to get going or Kaylee will be late." I say.

" Fine. But you wear better coat next time for your tummy." Luke says.

" I promise I will next time munchkin. Let's get going now." I say. We walk out of the house. I lock the front door and we walk to the car. I unlock the car and we all get in. Once everyone was secured, I started the car and backed out of the driveway. I started to drive to my old dance studio.

" Mommy, how is your tummy doing?" Luke asks.

" Cupcake is doing very well right now. I'm glad you're thinking of it." I say.

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