Shall we start planning for a baby?

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In the restaurant,

Agnes asked Yuvin about his expectations from their relationship, to which he bluntly replied, "Children."

Agnes felt a surge of anger rise within her in response to his response.

Agnes stood up abruptly, her frustration boiling over.

"Relationships offer more than just children, Mr. Malhotra!" she shouted.

Yuvin cautioned her about her tone, but Agnes continued, her anger palpable.

"Have you even considered the appropriateness of your remarks before uttering them?" she demanded, her words charged with indignation.

"The sole purpose of marriage isn't solely about having children. What's wrong with my perspective?" he retorted defensively.

"Our views on marriage are fundamentally incompatible. Thankfully, I discovered this before the wedding. Consider it called off. Find someone else who can give you children," Agnes declared firmly before storming out of the restaurant.

She paused, glancing at the menu card and noticing the price of the coffee.

Placing 200 rupees on the table, she declared, "That's for the coffee." With that, she stormed out, leaving Yuvin to watch her departure with a mix of anger and bewilderment.

Taking the 200 rupees in his hand, he peered outside and saw her leaving with another man.

Quickly grabbing his phone, he dialed his grandmother's number ( dadi)

"You're right, dadi. This girl is the perfect match for me. She rejected my proposal, but on the set date, she must marry me.

I don't care what you will do. Do anything, but she should be my wife.

Whatever it takes, she has to marry me in front of the entire Malhotra family.

Previously, I mentioned a small court wedding, but cancel that. I want to marry her with all the traditional rituals, making this wedding the grandest in Malhotra history," Yuvin declared, his words reflecting his determined resolve.

" I will take care ", dadi replied.

Dadi understood that he would like Agnes once they met. Despite initially intending to decline the wedding proposal, Yuvin changed his mind after witnessing her demeanor.

Meanwhile, on the other side,

Anish inquired, "Why did you return so soon?"

"He's not right for me. He believes the sole purpose of marriage is children. Thankfully, he didn't mention sex," she blurted out.

"He's a millionaire, just as your family hoped for," Anish remarked.

"I couldn't care less about his wealth. No matter what he is, I refuse to marry him," she declared, sliding the diamond ring off her finger.

Agnes became engaged to Yuvin last week in his absence.

However, she informed his grandmother that she insisted on meeting Yuvin before proceeding with the marriage, threatening to call off the wedding otherwise.

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