I saw your true color sooner

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Recap: Agnes proves that Binoy is responsible for Yuvin's accident. Veer slaps Binoy for his actions.

In the guest house,

"I failed to prove it once. Thank God, now my wife did. Otherwise, you would have framed her and made her life hell like you did mine," Yuvin said, without looking at anyone, and left.

"Sonu," Veer called out, but Yuvin had already gone.

Veer felt a deep pang of guilt for not trusting Yuvin over Binoy.

He had always believed in Binoy's innocence, dismissing Yuvin's concerns as paranoia.

Now, seeing the truth unveiled, he realized how much pain and suffering his misplaced trust had caused Yuvin.

The weight of his mistake hung heavily on him, making him regret not standing by Yuvin when it mattered the most.

"Why did you do this, Binoy?" Roshni asked, hurt evident in her voice.

Roshni felt a sharp pain in her heart knowing Binoy had hired goons to hurt Yuvin.

The realization that Binoy could stoop so low left her devastated and confused.

She couldn't fathom how he had harbored such malice and taken such drastic measures against his own family. The betrayal cut deep, leaving her struggling to reconcile the Binoy she knew with the one capable of such cruelty.

"Mom, yesterday morning at the event, when the photographers asked the Malhotra brothers to pose, Aarav and Suman called Yuvin to join them. Even Stephan took a picture with them. But no one bothered about me, Mom. That made me angry and " Binoy tried to justify his actions.

" "So, you hired someone to kill him? And how are you portraying your sis in law to someone? I'm sick of your behavior, Binoy. Nothing is important in this family except behaviour. You're already messed with that, don't repeat ," Veer shouted.

Binoy seethed with anger at Agnes for exposing the truth. He had thought his secret was safe, but her relentless pursuit had brought everything crashing down.

His resentment towards her grew with each passing moment, blaming her for his downfall and the disgrace he now faced.

In his mind, Agnes had become the enemy who had destroyed his carefully crafted facade.

"Sorry, Dad," Binoy apologized.

"Go and apologize to him," Veer advised.

Binoy was quiet since he was not ready to do that.

"I am sorry, Agnes," Veer apologized to Agnes.

Veer felt a deep sense of guilt for having questioned Agnes. He had doubted her intentions and integrity, failing to see the truth she was trying to reveal.

Now, with everything out in the open, he realized how unjust he had been.

" Thank God I saw your true colors sooner," she said and walked away.

Veer was shattered.

"Even, we were upset with you, Dad," Aarav said as everyone left.

" True color? Have you heard that? ", Veer was frustrated.

On the other side,

In Aishu home,

Aishu's stepmom had started her drama.

"You have to marry my brother tomorrow morning," the lady said.

"Please don't do this. I asked you to let me go. You told me you wouldn't force me to marry your brother if I transferred the properties to your name. I did that. Now why are you doing this?" Aishu pleaded.

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