You are my cute husband

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Recap: Rachel advised Agnes to leave Yuvin and take care of her love. Binoy behaved rudely with Rachel

In Binoy room,

Rachel complied with Binoy demands, enduring his physical abuse and vulgar language in bed.

" I will be inside Agnes like this one day " Binoy commented.

Rachel was shocked.

She attempted to push Binoy, but he behaved rudely to her.

Once he finished, he lay down beside her.

As Binoy lay in bed beside Rachel naked, his thoughts drifted towards Agnes.

Despite the physical proximity to Rachel, his mind wandered to Agnes, her presence lingering in his thoughts like an unresolved puzzle.

His unfulfilled desires with Agnes haunted him, casting a shadow over the intimacy he shared with Rachel.

Despite his attempts to focus on the present moment, Agnes's image persisted, leaving him torn between conflicting emotions.

"Binoy," Rachel attempted to shout.

"Shut up," he said and closed his eyes without thinking about her mindset.

Rachel cried silently.

His inadvertent mention of Agnes's name shattered her fragile facade.

The intimacy they shared suddenly felt hollow as the echoes of Agnes's name reverberated in her mind, a painful reminder of Binoy's divided affections.

In that moment of vulnerability, Rachel felt a wave of anguish wash over her, her heart breaking into countless shards as she realized that now she should compete with the ghost of Agnes that lingered in Binoy's thoughts.

The intimacy they had shared now tainted by the specter of another woman, Rachel found herself drowning in a sea of despair, her spirit shattered by the cruel reminder of her inadequacy in Binoy's eyes.

On the other side,

Around 8 pm,

Agnes was observed sitting on the balcony lost in thought.

Yuvin enters the room and notices his wife lost in thought.

He sat beside her but there was no reaction from her end.

"What's on your mind? You're staring at the wall without blinking," he asked, putting his face close to hers.

" Ahh ", Agnes shouts.

"Am I ugly? Why are you shouting as if you saw a demon? ", he inquired, voice rising.

She responded with a smile. Yuvin has noticed her face is dull.

"Why the long face?" Yuvin questioned.

" I am good ", Agnes said shaking her head.

Though she shook her head, sadness lingered in her expression.

"Hey," he reached for her face but she recoiled.

"I'm sorry," Yuvin apologized, sensing her discomfort.

Realizing she wasn't at ease with him, he prepared to depart. Yet, she grasped his hand.

He looked at her.

"Make your wife happy, even without knowing the reason for her sadness," she advised.

His smile widened on hearing her words. He drew her closer, enveloping her in his embrace.

"I had plans to take you out, but seeing you down, I thought you needed some time. So I thought about going out with my friend" he explained.

Her face brightens hearing the word outing.

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