You're not to blame for last night

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Recap: Yuvin and Agnes have started their relationship.

"In Yuvin's room,

Agnes confessed to Yuvin that his grandmother had forced her to have sex with him.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Yuvin questioned, his anger palp.

"I was scared," Agnes confesses, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Yuvin gazes at her, and she returns his gaze.

Neither of them finds the words to speak.

Agnes continues,

"I feared your reaction if I refused. But you remained composed and treated me with such tenderness. While I initially consented because of your grandmother's coercion, from the moment you kissed me until you took my virginity, you made me feel at ease. Truth be told, I even enjoyed it."

"If you were to ask me if I came to bed because your grandmother threatened me, I would say yes, I did it because of her. But I slept with you solely because of the way you treated me," she concludes.

Yuvin struggles to grasp her intentions. Is she expressing hatred or contentment? He's unable to discern whether she engaged in intimacy with him willingly or under coercion.

Yuvin stares at the wall.

"I've come to decline our wedding. I haven't liked you ever since you insisted on meeting me before the wedding.

But the way you expressed your anger and attitude impressed me.

"I'm aware that my grandmother exerted pressure on your father's business to facilitate this marriage.

However, I personally met your parents and expressed my genuine desire to marry you.

Your mother has known me for a considerable period, and they embraced the wedding with open arms.

Yesterday, I encountered some unwelcomed people who greatly agitated me.

Exhausted, I returned home.

My dadi informed me that you were eagerly anticipating our first night together, which influenced my decision to agree as well.

I harbored doubts about her intentions, hence why I questioned you.

However, you said yes yesterday and I believed it.

Remember, I married you because of your boldness.

I don't want you to speak out against my dadi, but you don't have to obey every command of her " Yuvin reminds Agnes, who meets his gaze.

Agnes was quiet & Yuvin felt guilty.

"I'm sorry," Yuvin apologizes, his guilt evident on his face.

"You're not to blame for last night. I was the one who agreed. There's no need for you to feel guilty," Agnes reassured him.

Yuvin nods in understanding.

"Please don't mention this to dadi," Agnes requests.

"I promise I won't. And your father's business will be safe from now on. If anyone tries to threaten you with that again, even if it's my dadi, there's no need to worry," Yuvin assures her.

Agnes nods in agreement.

He stands up and says, "Come with me," gently taking her hand. She follows him.

Leading her to her room, which he had prepared for her, he declares, "I'll be using another room as my personal space. This room is for you. And..."

Opening the cupboard, he retrieves a black mini strap dress.

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