How do you know he is harmless?

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Rewrite: Agnes got to know about Akansha and their journey started.

In car,

"Would you show the same affection to Anish if you found out he's a living example of your mom having relationships with other men while your dad was alive?" Yuvin questioned.

Agnes was shocked.

"Nobody can answer this question. We need to empathize with them before offering advice," Yuvin stated.

"I'd resent my mom, not Anish," Agnes retorted.

This time, Yuvin was taken aback.

"Yuvin, the meeting will commence shortly," Stephan reminded him to prevent any further issues

He doesn't want them to fight for unknown reasons.

Agnes began watching her favorite K-series while Yuvin remained engrossed in meetings.

Though he was present in the meeting, his mind dwelled on Agnes's words.

Deep down, his conscience acknowledged, "She has a valid point ".

As Yuvin mulled over Agnes's words regarding his brothers, a cascade of thoughts flooded his mind. He couldn't shake off the resonance of her statement.

Each word seemed to strike a chord within him, unraveling layers of unresolved emotions and buried grievances. Despite the demands of the meeting, his thoughts kept drifting back to his family dynamics, prompting him to reassess his relationships and confront the complexities that lay beneath the surface.

With each passing moment, the weight of Agnes's words grew heavier, compelling Yuvin to confront the truth that lingered in the depths of his consciousness.

Agnes had dozed off while watching the series. Yuvin noticed her sleeping and gently took the mobile from her hand.

He turned off the series and as he was about to power off the mobile, he caught sight of her wallpaper—a picture of them taken during the bangle ceremony.

The question of whether she liked him lingered in his heart.

Observing Agnes peacefully asleep, a faint smile tugged at the corners of Yuvin's lips.

The sight of her serene expression amid the chaos of their surroundings brought a sense of calmness to his own restless thoughts.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness towards her, a desire to shield her from the tumult of the world even as he grappled with his own internal struggles.

Gently, he reached out to adjust the blanket draped over her shoulders, silently grateful for this moment of tranquility amidst the storm.

He adjusted her seat to ensure she could sleep comfortably, then planted a tender kiss on her forehead before gently holding her hand in his.

Stephan noticed Yuvin holding Agnes's hand.

"She told me she'll stand by me forever," Yuvin reminisced, his heart brimming with happiness at her words.

"She possesses diverse opinions and perspectives in every aspect. I'm certain she'll be your guiding light," Stephan remarked.

Yuvin acknowledged his words.

"I never anticipated you'd fall in love so swiftly," Stephan expressed his joy.

"I haven't. We're simply showing interest in this relationship," Yuvin clarified.

"Don't deny it. Just observe yourself when you're with her," Stephan insisted.

Yuvin remained reluctant to admit he had fallen in love with her. After all the mess he had in the past, his heart is not ready to love someone.

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