Don't say anything that ruins the mood

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Recap: Agnes and Yuvin entered Yuvin's home.

In Yuvin's home,

Agnes headed to the top floor. As she nearly stumbled, Yuvin's younger brother Binoy caught her. Deliberately, he placed his hand on her hip.

Agnes gazes at him.

"You're incorrigible," he winks teasingly.

"Show some restraint," she scolds before heading to Yuvin's room.

When Agnes entered his room, she had a mix of feelings.

As the bride crossed the threshold into her new husband's home, a whirlwind of emotions enveloped her.

Excitement mingled with nervousness, anticipation danced with a hint of apprehension.

Each step echoed with the weight of tradition and the promise of a new beginning.

She embarked on a journey where love, hope, and the unknown intertwined, painting the canvas of her future with a kaleidoscope of emotions.

She scanned her room.

The room exuded an undeniable beauty, captivating in its simplicity yet adorned with subtle elegance.

Delicate curtains swayed gracefully in the breeze, framing the windows and inviting the outside world to peek in.

The air was perfumed with the scent of fresh flowers, their petals delicately arranged in vases, adding a touch of nature's splendor to the ambiance.

From the plush cushions to the ornate fixtures, every detail spoke of comfort and sophistication, creating a sanctuary where serenity and style intertwined seamlessly.

In the center of the room stood a grand master bed, commanding attention with its presence amidst the spaciousness. A sofa nestled in the corner, accompanied by a double AC unit, offered a cozy retreat. Within this room, two smaller chambers were nestled, catching Agnes's gaze.

Following Yuvin's instructions, Anu ma tended to Agnes's swollen feet, her observant eyes catching Agnes's glance.

"Initially, Yuvin used one room as his personal space and the other as his workspace," she explained.

"But since he was marrying you, he renovated the space, transforming it into something special for you. Once the massage is complete, you can take a look at the room."

Agnes nodded, a small flicker of curiosity igniting within her. She longed to see how her husband had prepared their room for her.

After receiving a soothing massage, Agnes drifted into a restful slumber for about three hours, cared for with tenderness. Around 6 o'clock, Anu ma roused her gently, and Agnes awoke feeling refreshed. She indulged in a bath infused with fragrant rose water, following a rejuvenating spa session.

Dadi approached her with a heavy saree in hand, suggesting, "Wear this saree for your first night."

"Is there something simpler?" Agnes queried, seeking comfort over extravagance.

"But it's your first night. Don't you want to..." Dadi began to question, interrupted by Agnes's firm response, "I want to feel comfortable."

Agnes chose a simple pink saree, and the beauticians skillfully prepared her for the occasion.

As the hour of her first night approached, Agnes found herself consumed by a mixture of nervousness and tension.

Every glance in the mirror reflected back a face etched with anticipation and doubt, her hands trembling as she adorned herself with finery.

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