I punished you for someone else mistake

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**Recap:** Anish abandoned Aishu when she needed his help. Later, Stephan assured her and provided her with a place to stay in his home.

**At Stephan's house:**

"I'm already late. We'll discuss other points tomorrow. For now, stay in this room and rest," Stephan said, guiding her to a room next to his.

As Stephan was about to leave, Aishu held his hand.

He looked at her.

"Thank you," she said gratefully.

He smiled and left.

**The next morning:**

Agnes woke up and found that Yuvin was missing next to her.

"Did he leave without informing me?" she scolded him.

She checked the table and noticed a parcel along with a note.

"Good morning, Mrs. Yuvin. The parcel is for you. I couldn't wait," the note read.

"What is he saying?" Agnes was puzzled as she opened the parcel.

She smiled at the sight of the dress.

He had purchased the same dress he wanted her to wear when she was ready to have a marital relationship with him.

"My husband has good flirting skills," she said to herself and blushed.

She called Yuvin.

**Meanwhile, on the other side:**

Yuvin was at the final day of the conference.

"Do you think it is possible to build such a construction, brother?" Aarav asked Yuvin while someone was presenting.

"Let him finish his presentation. Have patience," Yuvin advised.

"But—" Aarav tried to speak.

"Quiet," Yuvin silenced Aarav.

His mobile vibrated, and he noticed a call from Agnes.

He had changed her name to "Wife."

He smiled and declined the call.

"Good morning, Agnes. I am in a meeting," Yuvin texted her.

"How did you buy this dress?" Agnes asked.

"We are in Jaipur—the house of dresses," Yuvin texted.

"But why?" Agnes responded.

"You can find the reason in the notes, or I'll explain once I reach home," Yuvin responded with a wink emoji.

Agnes blushed.

"You are flirting with me, Yuvin," Agnes sent a message.

"Is it wrong? I am flirting with my wife," Yuvin answered.

He felt happy when he mentioned "wife."

"Someone advised me to listen to the presentation. Now what are you doing?" Aarav teased Yuvin.

"That's none of your business," Yuvin answered and smiled.

"Do you know how to smile?" Aarav asked.

Their talk was interrupted by a notification on Yuvin's phone.

"Come soon. I want to have lunch with you," Yuvin received a message from Agnes.

He smiled.

"Get ready. Let's go out for lunch," Agnes received a response from Yuvin.

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