How can you forgive him?

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Recap: Agnes discovers that Binoy is responsible for the accident and confronts him about it.

At the guest house,

Binoy tries to explain himself.

"You misunderstood... actually, I—" He looked around and realized they were alone.

He grabbed her hand and pinned her to the wall.

Agnes was shocked.

" Leave me ", Agnes shouted.

"What are you doing here? Are you trying to eavesdrop?" Binoy asked.

"I am here just to get my ring. But instead, I caught a cheater who tried to hurt my husband," she said angrily.

"I was trying to help you by removing him from your life," Binoy coaxed.

He gently moved her hair from her face.

"Don't try to touch me, first Let go of my hand," she said, trying to push him away.

"Weren't you happy when Yuvin touched you?" he questioned angrily.

"He is my husband," she replied.

Agnes felt a wave of helplessness wash over her as Binoy's grip tightened on her hand.

His imposing presence and the anger in his eyes made her heart race with fear.

She struggled to break free, but his hold was unyielding, leaving her feeling trapped and powerless.

The desperation in her eyes contrasted with the defiance in her voice as she demanded answers, masking the vulnerability she felt inside.

" He forced you to marry him. He threatened to sue your father and tried to demolish your father's business. Yet, within a month, you forgave him and started living with him. Don't you hate him?" he questioned.

"I am repeating, he is my husband. You have no right to speak about him. First, tell me, why did you hurt him? He is your brother, but you are planning to hurt him. Aren't you shamed? ", she asked.

The frustration of his secret being exposed mingled with a fierce resentment toward Yuvin

"I hurt him to free you. I'm trying to help you," Binoy said.

"Don't try to coax me. I'm going to tell uncle about your actions. Let him decide your punishment," she responded.

"Agnes, leave Yuvin. Be with me. I will marry you. Let's start fresh," he pleaded

Agnes felt a wave of disgust wash over her when Binoy proposed she leave Yuvin to be with him.

She couldn't believe his audacity and felt a deep sense of concern for Yuvin.

His words made her skin crawl, and her disdain for him grew even stronger.

"You're a moron. Don't talk nonsense. Are you a man? ", she shouted.

He slapped her.

"How dare you?" Binoy scolded.

Agnes was shocked but she reacted immediately.

Agnes grabbed his mobile and ran as quickly as she could.

"Hey, give me back my mobile!" he shouted.

But Agnes ran away & he tried to catch her.

He managed to catch her hair just as she was about to enter the house.

"Maaa!" Agnes winced in pain.

Suman noticed Binoy pulling Agnes.

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