Can you allow me to sleep in your arms?

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Kindly note: No chapters will be published on Sunday. Meet you all ok Monday

Recap: Agnes and Yuvin are in their room spending their first night together.

In Yuvin's room,

" I thought you were not interested in this wedding. But when dadi said you said okay for this, I can't believe my ears. I hope ", Yuvin wanted confirmation from her before proceeding.

Agnes thinks on.

Before an hour,

After everyone left,

Dadi spoke firmly, 'I know you don't like him, but I want this first night to happen. If you reject or turn him down, your factory will be in fire tomorrow. Think carefully before proceeding,' Dadi threatened her.

Yuvin brings her back from her thoughts.

"Answer me," Yuvin requested.

Without offering any response, she simply kissed him, as if silently consenting. He chuckled seeing her green signal.

Yuvin hugged her tightly.

He removed her bra. Agnes closed herself off with her hand. He chuckled.

Yuvin held her hand with one of his and explored her body with the other.

As he sucked her breasts, Agnes winced, signaling her discomfort sitting in his lap.

He then guided her to lie down on the bed.

"Is this comfortable?" he questioned.

"The room is cold," she complained.

"I'll warm it up," he winked and lay on top of her."

He starts biting and sucking her neck & breast. He bites, then licks & places a kiss to make her comfortable.

Yuvin never failed to appreciate her body in middle of his act.

She hissed when his finger entered her sweet spot.

His kiss moved slowly from boobs to hip to her sweet spot.

He kissed, rolled his tongue, & played with her body.

Once her vagina accepted him, he kissed her tears and promised " "I promise that you'll be the only woman I share a bed with, as a symbol of your commitment to me ".

"Agnes would have found happiness in his words if she had chosen to marry him willingly. Even now, he ensures her comfort and would have respected her decision if she had declined.

"Thank you," Agnes replied.

"I don't believe in love, but I'll remain faithful in this relationship," his words shattered her hopes.

"Why can't he acknowledge this as love? Is he only engaging in sex because I attracted him?" she wondered.

As they both reached climax, Yuvin separated from her and lay beside her.

Both were silent, lost in their own thoughts.

After the sex, their minds swirled with a myriad of thoughts. Doubts, hopes, fears, and desires collided in a whirlwind of emotions, leaving them both introspective and contemplative about what the future might hold for their budding relationship.

Closing his eyes, Yuvin said, "Rest now."

In the evening,

Yuvin attended a meeting with investors for the upcoming slum clearance project at his company, Prithvi Groups.

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