Are you seeing someone behind Yuvin?

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Recap: Agnes feels encouraged by Yuvin's words and makes a positive impression on his family.

At Malhotra Palace,

"Agnes," a voice reverberates as if the ceiling is on the verge of collapsing.

Dadi stands there, visibly furious.

Agnes gazes at her, feeling apprehensive.

"Why did you speak with her? Didn't I tell you to only speak with Yuvin?" Dadi questions her sternly.

"Dadi," Agnes tries to greet her.

Dadi gestures for her to halt.

"Don't try to deceive me," Dadi interjects, stopping her.

"They invited me for some rituals," Agnes tries to explain politely.

"So you'll go wherever you're called. Is that it? I never expected you to have such a low character," Dadi humiliates her.

Yuvin's words echo in her mind. "I married you because of your boldness."

She decided to stand for herself.

"She is his mother. He is his brother and family. What's wrong if I speak to them?" Agnes questions Dadi defiantly.

Everyone is shocked. No one has ever dared to speak against Dadi before, but Agnes did.

"Be silent. You beggar. I should have chosen a better girl for him. I sensed you would behave like this based on your parents and background status. However, I overlooked everything to ensure my grandson's happiness," Dadi retorts angrily.

When Agnes heard his dadi speaking ill of her parents, the words deeply wounded her sense of dignity and belonging.

It's a betrayal not only of her family but also of the trust she placed in her new family.

The words echoed with a painful resonance, shaking the very foundation of her marital bond and leaving her torn between loyalty to her birth family and the desire to maintain harmony in her new home.

In that moment, she grapples with a myriad of emotions—anger, hurt, and a profound sense of injustice—struggling to find her voice amidst the tumult of conflicting loyalties and the weight of familial expectations.

Agnes was not the type to remain silent if someone criticized her unjustly. Even when hurt, she refused to stay quiet.

"You are the one who begged my parents for me. You are the one who resorted to threats and coercion to arrange my marriage to him. And you were the one who threatened yesterday too," Agnes loses her composure upon hearing insults directed at her parents.

"Agnes, please don't speak," Roshni interjects, attempting to intervene.

She holds Agnes hands to prevent her from speaking.

"You're with a good lady. Look at her, she was the one who looked at other men when her husband was alive.

Who seized the opportunity to marry as soon as her husband passed away. Who knows, she might have killed my son to marry this scoundrel " Dadi spits with anger.

"Don't discuss someone's personal life in front of everyone ", Agnes was polite but firm.

" She is to humiliated ", Dadi answers.

" Just as I respect you despite your wrongdoings and words, I'll respect everyone," Agnes answers.

She couldn't bear Dadi's words, yet she endeavored to respond with politeness.

On the other side, Dadi's anger crossing limits.

" Are you in a relationship with someone behind my grandson's back? Are you secretly planning to have children with someone else?" Dadi's words pierce Agnes deeply.

When a woman hears falsehoods about her character, it's like a relentless storm assaulting the very core of her being.

Each accusation lands like a heavy blow, threatening to shatter her sense of self-worth and dignity.

In the face of such unjust scrutiny, she stands resilient, but inside, the turmoil is tumultuous.

She grapples with feelings of betrayal, anger, and profound hurt, struggling to reconcile the image being painted of her with the reality she knows to be true.

Yet, amidst the chaos, she finds strength in her own truth, determined to rise above the slander and prove her worth with unwavering resolve.

"How dare you speak such words? No one could stoop as low as you. You have no right to question me. Stay in your limits " Agnes shouts.

Everyone are shocked.

"Agnes," Yuvin stands there, his anger evident.

Agnes looks on, her expression a mixture of hurt and defiance.

Agnes finds herself under attack from dadi, with accusations aimed at tarnishing her character, she instinctively seeks solace and support from her husband.

In those moments of distress, she hopes for his unwavering defense and reassurance, believing that his care and understanding will shield her from the onslaught of unjust criticism.

Her heart aches for his validation, for the affirmation that he sees her for who she truly is, beyond the distortions and lies.

She yearns for his voice to rise in defense of her honor, to stand as a steadfast ally against the tide of slander.

For in his support lies not only her strength but also the foundation of their bond.

"Yuvin," Agnes attempted to speak.

He hurried over to her and slapped her hard.

Agnes collapsed to the floor, her hope shattered.

In that moment, it's as if the very foundation of trust and respect upon which their relationship is built crumbles beneath her feet.

The sting of betrayal pierces her heart, leaving behind a trail of anguish and disbelief.

The hand that should offer comfort and protection becomes an instrument of hurt and betrayal, leaving her to grapple with feelings of humiliation, confusion, and profound sorrow.

In that moment of pain, she faces a stark reckoning with the harsh realities of her relationship, grappling with the question of whether they can really live with each other with this behaviour.

" Yuvin ", Agnes couldn't cope up with the situation

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