Let the past stay in the past

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Recap : Yuvin shows his soft side and does all the requests she puts forth.

At car,

Yuvin feels a pang of sympathy for Anish.

"Is he your brother?" he asks.

"Nope," she replies with a smile, then turns away.

Finally, they arrive home.

Yuvin holds her hand when they enter home. Already, everyone is waiting for Agnes.

"Mom," Agnes calls out, announcing her arrival to everyone.

"Come soon to our room once you are done," Yuvin advises and attempts to leave.

"You have to be with me," she insists, holding his hand.

"Agnes, I am not part of this drama " he tries to pull away his hand.

"Please," she pleads, giving him a pathetic look.

Yuvin nods reluctantly. He couldn't say no after looking at her face.

"Come join us," she says, dragging him to the hall.

Everyone is surprised to see Yuvin standing with Agnes in the hall.

Aarav looks at him and murmurs, "Hello, bro."

"Shut up," Yuvin responds.

"Now you're on my team," Aarav teases him.

Yuvin gives an angry glance that silences Aarav.

Yuvin's mother happily adorns Agnes with bangles, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks at the sight of Yuvin standing with Agnes in the family.

It's been a decade since he stepped into the center of the hall. He usually uses another gate or simply the pathway to reach his floor.

Yuvin lost his father when he was 7. His mom remarried Yuvin's dad's business partner, Veer, when Yuvin was 8. He tried to accept the new family, but when he was 11, everything collapsed.

Since then, he has been alone.

"Just as you said, you did it," Aarav exclaims and congratulates Agnes.

Yuvin looks confused.

"We finished the series yesterday, Agnes. Why didn't you come then?" Sara questions.

"Did you come here?" Yuvin asks Agnes shocked.

"I was coming here daily. Yesterday, Stephan told me that you are leaving California. I couldn't put myself at risk, so I didn't come yesterday," Agnes says, winking at him.

Yuvin's lips curve into a smile.

" Why? ", he questioned.

"Mom and Dad came to my home and apologized on your behalf. Dad requested me to visit daily. So I did," Agnes replied.

Everyone is worried that Yuvin will be angry.

But Yuvin looks at his mother. After so many years, there's a warm look from her son which she didn't expect.

He never looked into her eyes since he was 11.

Roshni is on cloud nine. Within a second, Yuvin turns his face to the wall.

"Don't scold her," Aarav tries to cover up for Agnes.

"He will not scold me," Agnes believes him.

Yuvin notices Binoy and Rachel arrival and holds Agnes hand.

"I'm sorry for hurting you that day. From now on, I will never raise my hand on you, no matter what. I slapped you in front of everyone. I believe I had to apologize," he tries to express.

She places her thumb on his finger.

"That's between us," she says.

Yuvin nods his head.

She smiles and hugs him.

"Actually, I won the challenge. So you, your brother, Ria, Sara, Mom, and Dad have to give me 2000," Agnes exclaims.

"I am out from this drama," Yuvin says and left the place.

Rachel was irritated to see Yuvin's care for Agnes.

In Yuvin's room,

Agnes hugs him from behind. Yuvin is surprised.

"Thank you. I know you don't like your family. But you stayed in the hall only for me. I know. Thank you," Agnes thanked him.

He makes her come in front of him.

"I never raised my hand at anyone, not even on my ex-girlfriend who cheated on me after 8 years of living together. But I  slapped you on our first day. I regret raising my hand on you. I will never do that again. Forgive me," he repents.

"Did you have a girlfriend? Who is she? Did you live 8 years with her? Why? What does that mean? Didn't mom scolded you? Dadi accepted your relationship? she bombards him with questions.

"That's in the past. Let the past stay in the past. Trust me, I have no relationship with her now," Yuvin consoles her.

He thought she was worried about her life, but she was worried about the girl.

"But who is she? How did you meet? Who proposed?" he stops her questions by planting a kiss on her lips.

He cups her face and places the kiss. He closes his eyes and enjoys intimacy.

Agnes holds his shirt tightly.

He lets her go when she struggles to catch her breath. Agnes still closes her eyes, and her face has turned red.

Yuvin smiles. He places his thumb on her chin and draws some lines.

"Found a way to shut your mouth," he teases.

"Don't ask about her. I've moved on from her thoughts a long time ago. When the time is right, I'll tell you about her," Yuvin says.

Agnes blushes and nods her head.

"I am going to Jaipur for an investors annual meet up event. I might be back in 4-5 days," Yuvin says.

" Did you bring me here just to leave me alone ? ", she questions.

Yuvin looks on..

On the other side,

Veer is in call.

" "If he has no information about him, kill him. What the hell were they doing in California? Yuvin was only a step away from meeting him. When that 27-year-old kid could reach him, what the bloody hell was everyone else doing? Remember, if Yuvin catches him, I will burn everyone to ashes."

When he ended the call, there was anger on his face that couldn't be expressed in words.

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