I would have eaten all the mulberries in the world

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Recap: Agnes receives the divorce agreement, thinks it's related to Aishu, and tells the lawyer to proceed without reading. Meanwhile, Yuvin learns about Aishu and Anish from his wife, who confesses she is in love with him.

In the guest house,

Agnes informs Yuvin that mulberry has been added to the kheer.

Yuvin rushes to find Veer about to take a bite.

"Stop, Dad!" Yuvin shouts, startling everyone.

He reaches Veer just in time, pushes the plate away, and hugs him tightly.

Veer was confused.

"Don't eat that, Dad. Mulberry was mistakenly added. Did you eat any? Let's go to the hospital," Yuvin urges.

Veer feels a surge of emotion as he hears Yuvin call him "Dad" for the first time after a decade.

The word, filled with warmth and unexplainable affection, brings tears to his eyes.

It reminds him of the bond they once shared and fills him with an overwhelming sense of happiness and hope to return to their past.

" Speak up, dad ", Yuvin requested.

Yuvin is gripped with fear as he considers the dire consequences if Veer has eaten the mulberry.

Knowing his father's severe allergies, Yuvin's mind races with worry about a possible severe reaction.

The thought of Veer in danger because of a simple mistake fills him with dread, making his heart pound and his hands tremble.

"Aarav, Suman, are you okay?" Yuvin asked, worried.

"Dad, why are you standing like that? Is something wrong? Don't stay quiet, Dad. Let's go to the hospital," Yuvin urged with concern, tears streaming down his face.

"I can drive us there, Dad," Yuvin said.

Veer had always believed that Yuvin would be happier in his absence, thinking his presence brought only pain.

But now, seeing his son so worried over a simple mulberry, Veer is deeply moved.

Yuvin's genuine concern and tears reveal the depth of his love, shattering Veer's long-held doubts.

In this moment, Veer realizes how much he truly means to his son.

"Sonu," Veer called weakly.

Yuvin held his hand tightly.

"What's happening, Dad? Are you feeling okay?" he asked anxiously.

"Call the maid who did this! I'll make her pay for hurting my father," Yuvin shouted angrily.

" Dad.


Dad ", Yuvin repeated.

Yuvin's mind is focused on saving his dad. Nothing else matters to him in this moment. Determined and resolute, he is prepared to do whatever it takes to save Veer.

Veer hugs Yuvin tightly, unable to say a word. Anish and Suman join the embrace.

"What happened to you guys? We need to go to the hospital. Ria, call the driver," Yuvin urged.

The fear of losing his father propels him forward, driving him to act swiftly and decisively, with a fierce determination to protect the person he loves most.

Agnes couldn't believe her eyes. She was seeing her husband in a different light.

" What is happening to you, dad? Please speak up ", Yuvin requested hugging him tightly.

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