Don't you consider her as family?

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Notes : Hello, everyone. Returned from native so the story will be posted daily.

Recap: Ria and Sara requested Agnes to persuade Yuvin to join the family for dinner, but Agnes declined to force him.

At the Malhotra mansion,

Yuvin and Agnes depart from home.

As they are about to leave, Dadi enters.

She is shocked to see Yuvin holding Agnes' hand.

Agnes and Yuvin respectfully touch Dadi's feet, and she blesses them.

Dadi's expression turned sour as she witnessed Yuvin holding Agnes' hand.

Irritation flickered across her face, betraying her disapproval of their closeness.

It was evident that Dadi was not pleased with this display of affection, her traditional beliefs clashing with the modern dynamics within the family.

" "Where are you going, Yuvin?" Dadi questioned.

"FIESCO - Business investors and client meeting is happening in Jaipur," Yuvin answered.

"The meeting that happens every year," he added.

Dadi nodded, then turned her gaze towards Agnes.

"Are you taking her to Jaipur?" Dadi asked Yuvin.

He nodded in affirmation.

"But why?" Dadi inquired.

Agnes felt a twinge of irritation as Dadi continued to question Yuvin about their plans.

Each inquiry felt like an intrusion into their personal space, stirring a growing sense of discomfort within her.

Despite her efforts to maintain composure, Agnes found herself growing increasingly impatient with Dadi's persistent interrogation.

She pondered, "Why is she asking for every detail?"

"We've hardly spent a day together. Next week, I'm leaving for London to bring Akansha. She will also..." Yuvin began to say, but Dadi interrupted, "...not let you spend time with Agnes. I know."

Dadi smiled.

Agnes felt puzzled.

Thoughts raced through her mind: "Who is Akansha? Why wouldn't she allow me to spend time with Yuvin?"

Agnes felt a surge of bewilderment upon hearing about Akansha.

The mention of someone unfamiliar, coupled with Dadi's cryptic remark about spending time with Yuvin, left her with a sense of unease and curiosity.

Questions swirled in her mind, as she tried to make sense of this unexpected revelation and its implications for her relationship with Yuvin.

Agnes came to sense hearing Yuvin's voice.

"I've scheduled back-to-back meetings, Dadi. So I thought to take her with me at least for this trip," Yuvin explained.

"But you don't like your family members being involved in official meetings. Are you not considering her as your family member still?" Dadi questioned.

Dadi pulled the right string to hurt Agnes.

Somewhere, Agnes felt hurt hearing that.

She compelled him to take her with him. But now, she feels he doesn't consider her as family.

Agnes couldn't shake off the sting of hurt that pierced her heart upon hearing Dadi's probing questions.

As she pondered Dadi's words, a wave of sadness washed over her.

She couldn't help but wonder if Yuvin truly saw her as part of his family.

The doubt gnawed at her, leaving her feeling distant and disconnected despite their physical closeness.

Agnes attempted to withdraw her hand from his, and Yuvin noticed the change in her expression.

"We are going to attend the Jaipur investors and client meet-up, Dadi. This meeting is all about showcasing business strength and family unity.

"People used to boast about their family, wealth, and clients.

By God's grace, I have good wealth and clients. But 'family'—that word never suited me.

Every year, I used to go alone. I had no one to call my family. But this year, I feel like I have my family," he said, pausing.

Agnes was taken aback.

"I am glad that I have someone to take with me," he continued, tightening his grip.

He looked into her eyes and smiled assuring her with his actions.

Yuvin's actions spoke volumes as he tightened his grip on Agnes' hand, reassuring her without words.

In that simple gesture, she found solace and affirmation of their bond.

It was a silent promise that he valued her presence and considered her an integral part of his life, easing any doubts or uncertainties she may have had.

Agnes felt a surge of happiness, even though she couldn't quite grasp the reasons behind it.

"But," Dadi attempted to intervene, trying to halt their plans.

"This is my final decision, Dadi," Yuvin asserted firmly, standing his ground.

"Take care, Sonu," Dadi expressed her concern, knowing she couldn't sway him.

Yuvin embraced her tightly. "Don't worry. I'll be alright," he reassured her.

"Take care of him, Agnes," Dadi advised, her gaze turning to Agnes.

Agnes nodded in acknowledgment as they departed. Dadi's eyes lingered on Agnes as they left.

Agnes's gaze shifted towards the luxury car awaiting them, anticipation mingling with a hint of excitement as she envisioned the journey ahead.

The sleek lines and polished exterior hinted at the comfort and elegance that awaited them inside, igniting a sense of thrill at the prospect of the adventure about to unfold.

Agnes was in the midst of loading her bag into the car.

"Helpers will do that," Yuvin remarked.

"I will do my own work," Agnes responded angrily.

"At least I can help you," Yuvin insisted, attempting to lend a hand.

Agnes seethed with anger, still affected by Dadi's words.

"Why are you helping me? There's no need to assist a stranger. I know you don't consider me as your family. Then why?" she spoke without giving him a chance to respond.

"Take a breath," Yuvin interrupted, placing a hand over her mouth.

She glanced at his hand and then at his face.

"Have you become deaf after Dadi's questions? I believe I've answered them for her," he said.

A smile tugged at Agnes's lips as she considered his response.

"Now, move," he instructed, gently pushing her aside without waiting for her reply.

He proceeded to load her luggage into the car.

Once he finished, she expressed her gratitude with a simple "Thank you."

He nodded, and she began to move towards the car.

"By the way," he interjected.

She turned to look at him.

"You hated the idea of marrying me. You asked me to call off the wedding even at the last minute. You've told me that you hate me. I threatened your father to marry you. So why does it bother you when Dadi says that I don't consider you as my family?" he queried.

The question lingered in her mind, leaving Agnes searching for an answer.

Even she couldn't find a response to his question.

Agnes remained silent, his gaze fixed on her, while she struggled to find the words to reply.

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