There is no need to shout at my wife

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Recap: Yuvin and Agnes spend some quality time with each other.

In the guest home,

Yuvin was leaving home.

" Yuvin," Veer called out.

Yuvin seemed frozen, but he continued to walk as if he hadn't heard.

Veer rose from his seat and shouted, "Yuvin, stop!"

The sudden outburst startled everyone in the room.

Yuvin despised Veer, but he never showed him disrespect. Deep down, he still respects and pay attention to his voice.

Yuvin stopped in the path but didn't dare to look at Veer.

"What's wrong, Veer?" Roshni was concerned, eyeing her husband's tense expression.

Agnes came out from her room upon hearing Veer's voice.

Yuvin stopped, avoiding eye contact with everyone especially with Veer.

"Come here," Veer beckoned.

Yuvin remained silent. He stood like a wall without responding to Veer.

"Let him go, Dad. Please don't  start unnecessary fights," Suman requested.

Veer approached Yuvin, grasped his hand, and turned him.

Everyone was shocked to look at Yuvin. They were concerned with his wounds.

"This isn't necessary for you. Leave me " Yuvin's words were rude and tried to take his hand from Veer grip but Veer was strong.

Suman and Aarav hurried to him.

"What's wrong, brother?" Suman inquired.

"I just fell from the stairs," Yuvin said while trying to maintain his calm look.

Veer touched Yuvin's face.

"Lips, forehead, hand, eyes... Did you get hurt everywhere when you fell from the stairs?" Veer asked.

Yuvin took a step back and stood a little away from Veer and didn't respond to his question.

"Agnes," Roshni called.

"What happened, Agnes?" Veer asked politely.

Yuvin gestured her not to say anything.

"I can still read your eyes, Sonu. Don't try to act smart before me " Veer said.

Tears welled up in Yuvin's eyes, but he managed to hold them back.

Despite the rift in their relationship over the years, Yuvin couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness seeing Veer's concern for him.

It was a reminder that despite the distance and misunderstandings, the bond between them still held a glimmer of warmth and care.

His thoughts were interrupted by his wife's voice.

"We went for a night drive and some goons tried to hurt us," Agnes said the truth.

"Who the hell were they? How dare they hurt my son? Let me find and kill them " Veer sneered.

"I fought back. There's no need to worry," Yuvin answered.

Veer looked at him but Yuvin didn't look at him.

As Veer looked at Yuvin's wounds, a pang of hurt pierced his heart.

Seeing the bruises and injuries on someone he cared about, he loved for deeply stirred up feelings of regret and sorrow.

It was a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the world and the vulnerability of those he held dear irrespective of his effort to protect him.

Despite any past conflicts or misunderstandings, Veer couldn't bear to see Yuvin in pain.

"Are you going to attend the event with these swollen eyes?" Veer asked.

Yuvin was quiet.

"Why didn't you inform us last night, Agnes? Will you hide it from us when our son gets hurt?" Veer's anger was directed at Agnes.

"I advised her not to tell anyone; there's no need to shout at her," Yuvin defended his wife.

Agnes smiles.

"No one is shouting at her. I am asking my concern . Don't I have rights to do that? ", Veer asked.

Yuvin was quiet.

" Call the doctor, Aarav. Until then, go and rest in the room," Veer ordered.

"But..." Yuvin attempted to speak.

"You're not going anywhere, Sonu," Veer asserted authoritatively this time.

Roshni observed Veer's concern and Yuvin's approach towards him.

Roshni couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness as she observed the bond between her husband and son.

Seeing Veer's concern and authority mingled with Yuvin's respect and willingness to comply filled her with a sense of pride and contentment.

It was a reassuring reminder of the strong family ties that bound them together, despite the challenges they faced.

After some time,

Feeling uncomfortable after eating, Agnes went to the garden for a walk since Yuvin was asleep.

Unintentionally, she dropped her ring near the sitting area and began searching for it under the sofa.

At the same time, Binoy, who was on a call, sat on the other side of the sofa, unaware of Agnes's presence.

" Hello ", Binoy said.

Agnes noticed him, but she was searching for her ring.

Binoy said, "I asked you to wound him as much as you can. But what did you do? There was only a little bruise on his face."

Agnes was shocked.

"Sir, have you watched the video? We tried our best and wounded him. But he is good at fighting," the goon said.

"Don't try to praise him in front of me. You are saying you hurt him. But here you are, admitted in the hospital. And the bloody man came here and was romancing with his wife.

I saw him placing his bloody mouth on her sweet lips. How can she allow him to touch her? Doesn't she hate him?" Binoy burst out.

"Sir, if possible, next time we will wound him a little extra," the goon said.

"If possible, kill him. I can't stand seeing him love a girl. He has to suffer and live miserably, or else die. I will not let him have a peaceful life," Binoy said.

"He can't have her. Her delicate skin, sexy curves, and beautiful body."

At that moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Binoy turned to see Agnes standing there, looking at him angrily.

Before Binoy could speak, Agnes slapped him hard.

Binoy was shocked.

"What the hell are you doing? How dare you hurt my husband? I am your sister-in-law. And here you are, appreciating my body. Aren't you ashamed?" she sneered.

"You misunderstood... actually, I—" He looked around and realized no one else was there.

He grabbed her hand and pinned her to the wall.

Agnes was shocked.

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