Why are you creating problems from day one?

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Recap: Dadi and Agnes are in heated argument. As a gift, Yuvin hits Agnes.

In Malhotra palace,

" Yuvin ", Agnes couldn't cope up with the situation

"Brother," Aarav was taken aback by his brother's unexpected behavior.

"Sonu," Roshni expressed concern.

"Not a word," Yuvin shouted, forcefully making Agnes stand and grabbing her hair.

"Didn't I tell you to respect my dadi at any cost? How dare you? Your voice can be heard outside the palace. Don't you have any shame?" he yelled.

"Yuvin, it hurts," Agnes cried out.

More than her body, her hearts cries out seeing him.

On the very first day of their marriage, Agnes felt the sting of disappointment as her expectations of her husband began to crumble.

The same man who brought her joy mere hours ago now inflicts pain upon her to a degree beyond expression.

What she had envisioned as a day filled with care, respect, understanding, and shared dreams quickly dissolved into a harsh reality of indifference and neglect.

His actions spoke volumes, leaving her with a sinking feeling that perhaps her hopes for a fulfilling partnership were misplaced.

With each passing moment, she felt the weight of shattered expectations settle upon her heart, realizing that the journey ahead might be far more challenging than she had ever imagined.

"Why are you speaking with them?" he demanded, gripping her hand and shattering all her bangles without concern for her well-being.

Her hands were bleeding and she winces in pain.

" Yuvin, leave me ", she requested.

"Yuvin," Ria and Sara attempted to intervene, but his intimidating gaze silenced them. He forcefully dragged his floor.

Her hands were bleeding, bearing the imprint of his inhumane act. Her lips were also bleeding from the slap.

He forgot she was human too and behaved like an animal.

He storms over and slams the door.

Pushing her onto the bed, he accuses, "Do you have any shame? Are they trying to buy you to hurt me? Or are you planning to leave me like they did?" his words cut Agnes deeply.

Her phone rings, and she answers the call, her voice trembling as she hears Anish's concerned tone.

"Agnes," Anish's voice breaks through.

Struggling to speak, she manages, "A...an...Ani...Anis..."

Anish's worry deepens.

Yuvin notices her trembling form, takes the mobile from her hand and keeps it away. 

He watches as she breaks down in tears, fleeing to her room.

"Agnes," Anish's voice echoes from the other end. But no one has heard.

Yuvin sits on his bed, seething with anger, before descending downstairs where everyone remains.

"You abandoned me in my childhood. I endured years of solitude. I loved a girl, was on the brink of fatherhood, but your son intervened, causing pain. I lived alone for 30 years, Finally I got married hoping for peace in marriage. Why are you creating problems from day one? Instead of tormenting me endlessly, just end it. Let me die in peace," Yuvin shouts at his mother.

Roshni felt hurt, but she understood that he would never listen to her. Rather than engaging in an argument, she chose to remain silent.

"Brother, you've misunderstood. It's us," Aarav attempts to explain.

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