She can't prove anything

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Recap: Yuvin learns the identity of the man behind his accident. He supported his wife when she opposed Binoy.

In the guest house,

Veer arrives home, and Roshni attempts to offer an excuse.

" You need not worry about it. This is a minor disagreement between brothers ", Roshni said.

"This isn't just a minor disagreement, Mom. He was responsible for the accident yesterday. He doesn't see me as a sister-in-law," Agnes complained.

Veer was quiet.

Veer was shocked to hear the accusations against Binoy, his disbelief and confusion clearly evident on his face.

" Ask him, Uncle ", Agnes said.

"How can we trust what you're saying?" Veer questioned.

Everyone was taken aback, but Yuvin remained composed.

He knows that Veer will not listen to Agnes, but Agnes was surprised.

Agnes felt a jolt of disbelief wash over her as Veer's words echoed in her mind.

The realization that he didn't trust her cut deeply, shaking her confidence and leaving her heart heavy.

She had always believed their bond was unbreakable, fortified by mutual respect and understanding. Now, the foundation seemed to crumble beneath her.

At that time,

"I trust my wife. I know she wouldn't accuse anyone without good reason. She has no motive to lie," Yuvin defended Agnes.

Agnes felt relieved and happy. "Thank you, Yuvin," she said gratefully.

"I am with you in every step of our life," Yuvin reassured.

A wave of relief washed over Agnes as Yuvin's reassuring words enveloped her.

His unwavering trust and promise to stand by her side lifted a burden she hadn't realized she was carrying.

In that moment, the shadows of doubt and fear dissipated, replaced by a warmth and certainty that reignited her spirit.

"I thought you would trust me, Uncle," Agnes said, her voice trembling with shock and hurt.

Veer's heart sank as he heard the brokenness in Agnes's voice, realizing the impact of his doubt on her. Guilt washed over him, knowing he had contributed to her distress

"Like you, Binoy is equally important to me, Agnes. I can't question my son without any proof. You are blaming him, so prove it," Veer responded.

"Sometimes you have to trust a person's words without proof. You can't demand evidence every time. Don't you claim to consider her as your daughter? Yet, you still insist on proof. That's disappointing," Yuvin asserted.

Agnes was stunned, unable to believe that Veer didn't trust her word.

" He might consider her as his daughter. But Binoy is his son. His original son ", Rachel answered.

" Is this answer to everyone here? ", Sara asked angrily.

"I respect and love her like my daughter. Not only her, I treat all my daughter in law as my daughters. There is no question kn it. But I can't trust anyone if they oppose my sons," Veer defended.

" That's a great definition, Binoy's dad ", Agnes sneered.

Veer found himself torn between his love for his son, Binoy, and his affection for Agnes, whom he regarded as a daughter.

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