I want to thank your ex-girlfriend

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Recap: Yuvin confronts the goons who attempted to harm them. Agnes feels guilty, believing she is the reason his injuries.

In the guest house,

"What's the matter?" Yuvin inquires softly, running his fingers through Agnes hair.

She lifts her head slightly, planting a kiss on his forehead, and they both freeze in that moment.

After few seconds,

"Thank you," Yuvin expresses his gratitude.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes once more.

“Why?” Yuvin questions.

“I didn't know your background. I didn't consider the consequences before asking you to accompany me out at night. I never imagined things will turn like this and ” she explains.

Yuvin gently clasps her hand.

" There is no need to apologise. I am your husband, what kind of husband am I if I can't take my wife for a simple drive?. As I said early, these are common, Agnes.

You should not blame yourself for this ", Yuvin said.

"But," Agnes attempted to speak.

"Do you want to make it up to me?" Yuvin inquired.

Agnes nods in agreement.

"Then give me another forehead kiss," he requested, pointing to his forehead.

Agnes blushes.

"Are you flirting with me?" Agnes teased.

Yuvin chuckles.

"Is this what flirting looks like?" Yuvin playfully responded.

"You dated a girl for 8 years, but you don't know how to flirt. How can I believe you?" Agnes teased, unintentionally hurting him.

He stood up and walked to the balcony.

Agnes felt anxious.

"Yuvin," she followed him.

"Please, leave me alone for a while," he said firmly.

"Yuvin, I'm sorry," Agnes apologized again.

"I'm doing my best to move on, but you..." Yuvin tried to express his feelings.

Agnes hugged him from behind.

Binoy, who was waiting for a call from the goons, arrived at the balcony. When he turned, he noticed Agnes embracing Yuvin and was shocked.

Yuvin made Agnes stand in front of him.

"I loved her. I wanted to give her my best. I did everything—I even arranged my room at 19 to make her feel comfortable instead of letting her stay in the hostel. But when I discovered she betrayed me, it felt like my world had crumbled. I even pleaded with her to give our relationship another chance, but she refused," Yuvin expressed his pain.

Agnes felt a pang of sympathy as she listened to Yuvin recounting his breakup with his ex-girlfriend.

Hearing the pain in his voice stirred a sense of sadness within her, knowing how deeply he had been hurt.

Despite the turmoil it caused her, she couldn't help but feel a growing affection and admiration for Yuvin, seeing his vulnerability and strength in the face of heartbreak.

"I want to thank her," Agnes said looking away.

"Why? For betraying me?" Yuvin questioned making her look at him.

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