You're now Mrs. MALHOTRA

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Recap: Agnes and Yuvin were wed against Agnes's desires.

In the wedding mandap,

Yuvin kissed Agnes's forehead, causing her discomfort. He noticed her uncomfortable face.

"Don't forget, I am your husband," he murmured into her ear while adjusting her earring.

"Never exploit someone's vulnerability as your advantage," Agnes retorted.

" "Everything is fine in war," Yuvin replied.

"Marriage shouldn't resemble a battlefield for anyone," she murmured softly.

As she stood in the midst of her wedding ceremony, adorned in attire she despised and surrounded by guests she barely knew, she couldn't shake the feeling of profound dissatisfaction.

Every step down the aisle felt like a step further away from her own desires and dreams.

The forced smile plastered on her face concealed the turmoil within as she exchanged vows in a manner that felt more like surrender than celebration.

Despite the festivities around her, she couldn't help but mourn the loss of the wedding she had envisioned, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices she had made for the sake of familial expectations and for the innocent people.

She longed to confront Yuvin and storm out of the place, but circumstances denied her the opportunity.

"Save your energy. You'll need it for the first night," Yuvin taunted, his tone dripping with rudeness.

"Get lost," Agnes retorted sharply.

Yuvin's personal manager approaches them with congratulations.

"Congratulations, brother," he says warmly, embracing Yuvin.

Yuvin too hugs him.

"Agnes, meet my brother from another mother, Stephen. The only person I trust in terms of everything," Yuvin introduces.

"Hello," Agnes greets him politely.

"Don't you remember me?" Stephen tries to engage Agnes in conversation.

Feeling uncomfortable, Agnes glances at her friends and siblings, attempting to walk away.

However, the shawl from Yuvin's shoulder was tangled with her saree.

Yuvin quickly intervenes, taking the shawl from his shoulder and offering it to her.

" Rest for few minutes ", he advises.

Just then, Dadi arrives.

" "You shouldn't remove this, Sonu," dadi advises.

Yuvin promptly puts the shawl back on his shoulder. Agnes remains still dropping her plan.

"Receive blessings from everyone, Sonu," dadi advises.

They get down from the stage.

Both Yuvin and Agnes touch dadi's feet.

"Stay happy, both.

She cups Yuvin's chin.

" "I'm overjoyed to see you married, Sonu.

She turns to Agnes.

"  Agnes, he is a treasure. Don't underestimate him. You won't find anyone else like my Sonu. Take good care of him. He should be your top priority in this world.

I want you to treat him well and give him all the happiness in the world. I long to see his son, wish to witness my grandson playing with his own son before I pass away," dadi advises Agnes.

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