Someone made me cry after so many years

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Recap: Dadi questions Yuvin whether he don't consider Agnes as his family member to which he replied he thinks she is his family member.

Near car,

" Why does it bother you when Dadi says that I don't consider you as my family?" Yuvin queried.

As Yuvin observed Agnes' reaction to Dadi's questions, he couldn't shake off the perplexity surrounding her hurt.

Recalling her past expressions of disdain towards him, he found himself puzzled by her sensitivity to Dadi's words.

Despite her previous aversion to their marriage, her reaction hinted at a deeper complexity in their relationship that Yuvin couldn't quite comprehend.

It left him pondering the intricacies of their dynamic and the emotions that seemed to linger beneath the surface.

The question lingered in Agnes mind too, leaving her searching for an answer.

Even she couldn't find a response to his question.

Agnes remained silent, his gaze fixed on her, while she struggled to find the words to reply.

Agnes found herself at a loss, grappling with Yuvin's probing questions for which she had no ready answers.

As she contemplated how to respond, her mind raced with uncertainty and confusion.

Despite her best efforts to rationalize her feelings, she struggled to articulate the complex emotions swirling within her.

With each passing moment, the pressure to provide a satisfactory explanation weighed heavily on her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed in the face of Yuvin's scrutiny.

Yuvin could understand her struggle to answer him.

Despite the complexities of their relationship, he harbored a deep-seated desire to understand Agnes's innermost thoughts and feelings.

With each passing moment of the journey, he found himself eagerly awaiting her response, hoping for clarity and closure to the questions that had stirred within him.

In his heart, there was a silent plea for Agnes to open up and share her truth, as he yearned for a deeper connection and understanding between them.

" Take your time. Answer me before we return home from the trip," Yuvin advised.

Agnes nodded, her gaze shifting downward.

His thumb gently brushed against her lips. Agnes turned red due to his sudden actions.

Yuvin gently traced Agnes's lips with his thumbs, a tender gesture that conveyed a mixture of affection and reassurance.

In that fleeting touch, there was an unspoken understanding and a silent promise of support and comfort.

"Get in," he said.

She looked up at him, noticing a happy expression on his face as if he expected her reaction to his touch.

Suddenly, she waved her hand, catching Yuvin's attention.

He glanced in the direction of her gesture, only to see Veer Malhotra standing on the balcony.

Without uttering a word to Agnes, Yuvin stepped into the car.

Veer, who had come out to the balcony and just awakened, glanced at Agnes and Yuvin. He noticed Yuvin's gentle touch on Agnes's lips and smiled before turning away.

As Veer was about to leave, Agnes caught sight of him and waved her hand. Returning the gesture with a smile, Veer bid them farewell.

"Bye, Uncle!" Agnes called out.

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