I never know hate can be so beautiful

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Recap: Yuvin and Agnes visited a fort in Jaipur. To their surprise, some men attempted to fight with them.

Near the fort,

"Do you think that you can just walk away?" the goons questioned Yuvin.

"What do you want?" Yuvin inquired.

"Can you send her?" they sneered, pointing at Agnes and laughing.

"Your words are inappropriate. Don't try to mess with me," Yuvin cautioned.

"Let's go, Yuvin," Agnes urged him.

She was worried about his safety so she held his hand and dragged him.

As Yuvin attempted to leave, a man kicked him from behind.

Yuvin stumbled, shocking Agnes.

He fell to the ground slightly hurting his hand.

"Yuvin!" she shouted.

He stood up and dusted his dress.

"How dare you?" Agnes confronted one of the men, attempting to slap him.

They grabbed her hand and laughed.

" Leave me ", Agnes said.

" Let me hold your hip instead of your hand ", another one commented.

" Yuvin ", Agnes shouted for help.

Without hesitation, he charged into action.

With a fierce battle cry, Yuvin launched himself at the nearest goon, catching him off guard with a powerful kick to the chest. The goon stumbled backward, giving Yuvin the opportunity to pull Agnes behind him, shielding her from harm.

"Let's escape," Agnes suggested.

"Give me a moment. They're looking for a fight with me, and they won't allow us to leave," he responded.

The other goons wasted no time in retaliating, surrounding Yuvin with malicious intent.

He wanted to catch Agnes. But Yuvin was undeterred, his focus solely on protecting his beloved wife. With expert precision, he ducked and weaved through their attacks, delivering swift punches and kicks with deadly accuracy.

Agnes watched in awe as Yuvin fought with a ferocity she had never seen before, his movements fluid and controlled despite the chaos surrounding them.

But unexpected smack land on Yuvin's face causing his lips to bleed and swelling in eye.

Before he could react, two men grabbed his arms.

A sudden kick to his stomach caused him to double over, coughing. Agnes was taken aback.

Grabbing a small piece of wood, she hit one of the men holding him.

Yuvin smiled at his wife's courageous act.

Taking advantage of the distraction caused by his wife, Yuvin fought back, striking the goons.

She knew then, without a doubt, that he would stop at nothing to keep her safe.

As the last of the goons fell to the ground defeated, Yuvin looked at Agnes relief flooding through him at the sight of her unharmed.

"Yuvin," Agnes rushed to him, embracing him tightly.

With a gentle kiss on her forehead, he reassured her, "They won't harm us. Don't worry."

Whispering words of comfort, he promised to always protect her, no matter the cost.

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