Let's go home

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Recap : Stephan helps Yuvin realize his mistakes.

In Anish home,

Despite Agnes efforts to maintain composure, the proximity of his presence left her feeling vulnerable and exposed, causing her to retreat into herself momentarily.

" Are you blushing? ", Yuvin questions resting his head on her shoulder hugging her tightly.

Agnes was paralyzed by his actions. She struggled to comprehend her emotions in that moment.

"I apologize for slapping you. I acknowledge my wrongdoing and assure you it won't recur. I am filled with remorse. However, I implore you not to speak ill of grandma. That's my only plea," he expressed.

She could see he is really guilt of his mistakes.

As Yuvin apologized to his wife for slapping her, his mind was consumed by a tumultuous mix of regret, guilt, and a sincere desire for reconciliation.

Wrestling with his actions and their consequences, he grappled with the weight of his mistake, fervently hoping to convey his remorse and assure her of his commitment to change.

Amidst the turmoil, he yearned for understanding and forgiveness, recognizing the depth of hurt he had caused and fervently seeking to mend the rift between them.

She remained silent as she had no idea how to react.

He thought she was still angry with him. So he withdrew his hand from her lap, moved a step away from her keeping a distance.

" I am sorry, Agnes ", Yuvin Apologizes.

As Yuvin extended his apology, Agnes's mind became a battlefield of conflicting thoughts and emotions.

Despite the pain and betrayal she felt from his actions, a glimmer of hope flickered within her at his admission of guilt and remorse.

Tentatively navigating the terrain of forgiveness, she wrestled with the desire to believe in his sincerity while guarding herself against the possibility of future hurt.

Amidst the turmoil, she found herself torn between the impulse to embrace his apology and the need to protect her own dignity and self-worth.

Yet, beneath the layers of hurt and skepticism, a fragile sense of optimism dared to emerge, whispering of the possibility of healing and reconciliation in the wake of his apology.

"Are you available to hear me out now?" she inquired.

He nodded.

"Yuvin, I never intended to hurt dadi. But she humiliated my parents, mom Roshni, even Ria. Why? What wrong did they do? I'm unaware of your past, but that shouldn't hinder my communication with anyone," she explained.

That is my personal rights and no one should interfere ", Agnes completes.

" Did I say that you should not speak to them?" Yuvin inquired.

Yuvin hoped that Agnes would maintain a positive relationship with his family, something he himself struggled to achieve.

"I can't have double standards, Yuvin. If I want to talk to them, I will, even if Dadi is present. Today my parents seem bad to me. But I suppose you think they're good. Don't you?" she questioned him.

Yuvin nodded.

"Why?" Agnes pressed.

"Maybe," Yuvin mused, searching for a reason.

"You don't have a specific point. But according to you, they're good. Does that make sense?" she probed.

Yuvin can piece together the puzzle and grasp the message she's attempting to convey.

"Okay, okay, okay. From now on, I won't stop you from speaking to anyone. You have full access and rights in our home. But please, don't do anything that hurts Dadi. Please," Yuvin requested.

Yuvin wants to ensure Agnes behaviour will not hurt his dadi at any cost.

"You're back to square one," Agnes complained.

Agnes wishes to beat him nicely for acting dumb.

"Agnes, she's old. She doesn't understand personal space, and I can't teach her now " Yuvin tried to explain his perspective.
Agnes was upset. She goes and sit in the bed.

If Yuvin attempts to explain now, Dadi will surely misunderstand.

"Agnes," Yuvin said, sitting next to her.

He took her hand and gently placed it between his palms.

Their eyes met as Yuvin reached to adjust her hair, tucking it behind her ear.

A blush tinged her cheeks, but despite her displeasure with him, she pushed his hand away.

"I will do whatever you want. That's my promise to you. But please, don't say anything against my dadi. I'm asking you to act only in front of her. Please," he pleaded.

Agnes had heard plenty about Yuvin from her engagement to their marriage. Some friends labeled him a sadist, claiming he coerced people to do his bidding without ever knowing how to request things politely. They said he resorted to threats, made others cry, and inflicted pain to achieve his desires.

Yet here he was, sitting before her, holding her hand and asking for her cooperation.

She was torn, unsure whether to believe in this side of him or not.

Both eyes met and Agnes had no idea whether to believe the eyes before her.

"Can't you do this favor for me? She rarely visits home, so it wouldn't be a big deal," he explained, noticing her silence.

Agnes nods her head. Yuvin was happy.

" "Sure?" he questioned.

She smiled and nodded.

"As a token of promise, I got this for you," he said, handing over a letter to her.

She was confused.

"You can open and check by yourself," he instructed.

She nodded and followed his lead.

Excitedly, she discovered an offer letter from the prestigious Smitty University in Himachal.

"Did I get selected?" she asked him.

"Yes, you did. Your mom gave this to me," he responded.

After their engagement,

Agnes had interviewed at Smitty University for the position of technical professor. However, Dadi insisted she should be a full-time housewife. Though Agnes wasn't ready, she had no choice but to comply.

That evening, Yuvin visited Agnes' parents' home and learned about her dream to work at Smitty University and her acceptance. He obtained the letter from them and rushed Anish home to share the news.

"This is my dream, Yuvin. But your Dadi..." Agnes confronted reality.

"I will speak with her. You are joining next week for sure," he assured her.

"Thanks," she expressed gratitude, placing a kiss on his chin.

He touched the place she had kissed and smiled.

"So," she attempted to apologize.

He placed his hand on her lips.

"Why are your lips so soft?" he asked in a husky tone.

Blushing at his comment, she felt his hand cupping her chin, pushing her hair behind.

"You look beautiful when your hair falls in your face," he complimented.

"Stop it, Yuvin," she said, attempting to run away.

He held her hand and pulled her, inadvertently causing them both to fall onto the bed, with her ending up on top of him.

They locked eyes.

He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's go home," Yuvin suggested.

She nodded, and as their lips were about to meet...

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