Don't expect a superhero to save you

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Recap: Aishu's stepmom's brother attempted to take Aishu to his home without her consent. She sought Anish's help, but no one supported her.

In Aishu's home,

A neighbor questioned the man about taking Aishu without her consent.

"Don't interfere in our life. Otherwise, I will kill you," the man warned, silencing the neighbor.

"Leave me," Aishu cried.

"Leave her hand," a voice boomed from the group.

**Earlier that morning:**

Stephan arrived in the city and went directly to the hospital to see his mother, Julie.

Julie is Stephan's mom, and Joseph is his dad. Jane is Stephan's younger sister.

Julie and Joseph are a perfect example that arranged marriages can still be beautiful.

They hadn't met even once before their wedding but trusted their parents' decision and got married.

Their life has never faced any significant downturns till date.

Joseph worked hard for Yuvin's biological father, Prithvi Malhotra.

When Prithvi passed away, Joseph was devastated.

However, Veer supported Joseph and appointed him as a director in his steel business.

To this day, Joseph manages the business as if it were his own. Veer trusts Joseph as much as Yuvin trusts Stephan.

Joseph is a man of his word. He believes that only hard work can lead to a stable and unshakable place. Through his diligence and effort, he has achieved everything he has today.

On the other hand, Julie is a loving wife.

She manages the home and the children wonderfully, creating an environment that Joseph loves to come home to.

Her love and affection are the cornerstones of their family, and she supports Joseph in every way she can.

Yuvin often spends time at Stephan's home when he feels low, inspired by the harmonious relationship between Joseph and Julie.

It was their relationship that convinced Yuvin to get married.

Yesterday night, Julie fell down the stairs while carrying wet clothes.

Due to the severity of her injury, she was admitted to the hospital. Stephan visited to check on his mother.

Later that evening, Stephan's sister, Jane, called him and asked him to get a dress she had lent to a friend for a dance competition.

Jane's friend lived next door to Aishu.

When Stephan went to get his sister's dress, he noticed a crowd gathering in front of Aishu's house.

Curious, he went to investigate and was shocked to see Aishu in distress.

Stephan had seen Aishu before at Yuvin's wedding and recognized her as Agnes' friend.

"Leave her hand," Stephan commanded.

Everyone turned to look. Stephan looked at Aishu who was crying vigorously.

"Hey, who are you? ", the man asked.

" Leave her ", Stephan repeated his words.

" It's none of your business. She is mine. I paid for her," the man said, attempting to abduct Aishu.

"Is this an auction? How can you say you paid for her? First, leave her hand," Stephan replied.

Aishu remembered seeing Stephan with Yuvin when he came to pick Agnes from Anish's home.

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