Why can't friends marry?

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Recap : Agnes and Yuvin got married.

"At Agnes's home,

Yuvin, Dadi, Ria, and Sara were waiting to pick Agnes.

Agnes had changed into a simple saree, but Dadi insisted she wear a heavily worked saree with jewels.

Reluctantly, Agnes got ready.

"Agnes," her mom attempted to speak."

Agnes broke down, pleading,

" Please, just leave me be. All these years, you both claimed to love me, only to sell me off. And now, you've sold me to a millionaire. Be happy.

I'm just grateful you didn't have another child to sell. Otherwise you would have sold to some creep.

Please, leave the room now before that old lady starts shouting again." Agnes shouts.

Her mother left the room without answering her.

Yuvin overheard their conversation.

"Agnes," Yuvin called.

She turned and noticed Yuvin.

"They didn't sell you. They," he tried to explain.

"Agnes," Ria interrupted as she approached.

"Sorry," Ria apologized, glancing at Yuvin.

"No issues, I'll wait outside," Yuvin said as he left the room.

" Come soon. Everyone is waiting for you ", Ria reminds her.

As the bride prepared to leave her childhood home, a profound sense of sadness enveloped her.

Each familiar corner echoed with memories of laughter, tears, and cherished moments shared with loved ones.

The walls seemed to whisper secrets of bygone days, and the scent of home lingered in the air like a bittersweet melody.

With each step towards the threshold, she felt her heart heavy with the weight of impending change, knowing that she was bidding farewell to a chapter of her life that would forever be etched in her soul.

Near the gate,

Agnes dipped her hand in red water and pressed it against the wall.

"Agnes," her parents attempted to bid farewell, but she didn't even glance at them. Surbhi embraced her.

"God will never punish you because you never made any mistakes," Surbhi consoled.

Agnes then held Aishu's hand.

"Take care of Anish. I hope to see you two married soon," she said.

"You've done me a great favor. I'll never forget it," Aishu thanked her.

Aishu glanced at Anish, but his gaze was fixed solely on Agnes. She hugged Anish tightly, tears streaming down her face, and he returned the embrace.

"Why did you hurt me like this? Why can't friends marry? Why can't you see me as more?" he cried, pleading with her.

"Anish," Rithik intervened, preventing him from saying more. He didn't want anyone to speak ill of his sister.

Yuvin felt unsettled witnessing their bond.

"What is he murmuring about?" Yuvin wondered.

"We're running late," dadi reminded them.

Yuvin approached Agnes and gently separated her from Anish's embrace.

"She is my responsibility," he assured Anish, who didn't object to his words.

He took her hand and led her to his car.

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