I won't let Agnes stay with him

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Recap: Agnes shared the matter that is hurting her for decades.

In a room,

Yuvin pulled Agnes closer and covered them both with the bedsheet. His bare chest pressed against her body, providing comfort like a giant teddy bear.

"Now, sleep," he advised gently.

She nodded in agreement, feeling safe and content in his arms.

One hour later,

Agnes was the first to wake up. She was surprised to find herself lying on his chest, with her hand resting on his breast.

Her cheeks flushed red at their proximity.

Recalling her desire to live with him forever, she gazed closely at his face, her fingers tracing lines, exploring his features.

As Yuvin slept peacefully, Agnes couldn't resist the urge to explore his face and body.

With delicate fingers, she traced the contours of his face, memorizing every curve and line.

She marveled at the tranquility that adorned his features in slumber, cherishing this intimate moment of quiet connection.

Slowly, she trailed her touch down his arm, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingertips, savoring the tender closeness.

"Did I fall in love with you? Why did I confess so soon?" she questioned him, but the man was resting peacefully.

Agnes couldn't help but blush at the thought of confessing her love to him.

Her cheeks warmed as she replayed the moment in her mind, her heart racing with both excitement and nervousness.

A spark of happiness ignited within her, knowing that she had bravely expressed her feelings.

She lightly brushed his nipple with her chin.

"Stop messing around," Yuvin said still closing his eyes.

She looked at him and he opened his eyes.

Blushing, she sat up from his chest.

"Have you finished your exploration of my chest?" he asked teasingly.

"I... I didn't do anything," Agnes replied tensely, clutching the bedsheet tightly.

"This is how you tempted me on our first night," he recalled his night with her, gently taking her hand.

Still, Agnes was blushing.

" You got chance to explore my breast today, but I didn't", he murmured in her ears.

Agnes blushed as he teased her, attempting to hit him but he gently caught her hand.

As he held her hand, she met his gaze.

"I can't wait to see you in that black dress. Remember?" he reminded her, hinting at his eagerness to spend the night with her.

She surrendered to his embrace, and he kissed her forehead.

They savored each other's company.

They embraced tightly, unwilling to part ways.

"Get ready. We need to reach Jaipur before night," he advised, slowly coaxing her hair.

Their eyes locked in a silent understanding.

Agnes tilted her head up slightly as Yuvin leaned in towards her. He gently lifted her chin and drew her closer into his embrace, ensuring her comfort.

With closed eyes, Agnes anticipated their kiss, and as expected, their lips met.


Anish seethed with anger after Yuvin abruptly ended the call. He dialed Aishu's number.

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