She will bring my son back to me.

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Recap: Yuvin on hearing Agnes request spend a few minutes with his family which made everyone happy . 

In the Malhotra mansion,

Veer paced while on a call, frustration evident in his tone.

"What the bloody hell was everyone else doing? Remember, if Yuvin catches him, I will burn everyone to ashes." Ending the call, anger etched on his face, he muttered,

"Bloody bastard. Why can Yuvin trace him but not me?" Punching the wall in frustration, he heard a knock on the door.

Taking a deep breath, he opened it to find Roshni standing there.

"What happened?" she questioned, concerned.

"Just a normal catch-up call," he replied, deflecting the issue.

But Roshni persisted, having overheard his outburst.

Trying to change the subject, Veer noticed Roshni's happiness,

"Don't worry, why stress? I see joy on your face. What's up?" he changed the subject.

Roshni revealed Yuvin had brought Agnes and shared a poignant moment with her.

Tears welled in her eyes as she recounted the encounter.

Veer, taken aback, questioned her gently.

" Really happened ? ", he questioned politely.

She nods her head.

"He looked into my eyes," she said, her happiness evident.

Veer, bewildered but could see happiness in Roshni's face.

"I trust Agnes. She will bring my son back to me. This time he will understand his mother. No one will take him from me," Roshni broke down in tears.

Veer comforted her, assuring, "He was, he is, and he will be our Sonu forever."

Meanwhile, in another room,

Binoy and Rachel conversed. 

" "Is he trying to show off that he is living peacefully?" Binoy's voice boomed with frustration.

"We know he only married her because of dadi. He must have seen us, so he's creating drama in front of us," Rachel tried to reassure him.

"Have you lost your mind? How can you say he's acting? Did you see where he stood? He was in the center of the hall. You've lived with him for 8 years. Have you ever seen him in that place? Did he do it for you?" Binoy questioned her.

Rachel fell into silence. He spoke the truth.

For eight long years, from 18 to 25, she had lived with him, witnessing his transformation from a teenage boy to a man.

He had done everything for her, treated her like a queen. Yet, there were certain things he never did, even when she insisted, like staying with his family.

"If things continue like this, he will live a happy life with her. But he shouldn't be happy.

I will hurt him. If he loves Agnes, I will snatch her from him. If not, I will kill her and hurt him. He has to live his life all alone. He shouldn't settle," Binoy shouted.

Rachel was irritated to hear he will snatch Agnes from him.

"Are you planning to dump me?" Rachel asks.

"I don't keep things that are not useful to me," Binoy said, then went to his side of the room.

Samar, Aarav, and Binoy were not Veer's real sons with Roshni's.

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