She is the legal child of Mr & Mrs. Veer

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Recap: Yuvin shared his vulnerable side with his wife to which she assured to stay with him forever.

In the car,

Agnes was kissing her husband.

Agnes sought to offer solace and reassurance to her husband through her kiss. With each gentle press of her lips against his, she hoped to convey her love and support, aiming to calm his troubled mind and ease his worries with her tender affection.

He closed his eyes letting his wife take control of him.

He held her close, and they shared a tender kiss.

It was a kiss that calmed Yuvin's heart.

Yuvin felt a sense of calm wash over him as his wife's kiss enveloped him. In that tender moment, her affectionate gesture served as a balm to his soul, soothing his troubled heart and bringing him a profound sense of peace and contentment.

Both were lost in each other lips.

Their lips meeting in a tender embrace, exchanging a gentle kiss filled with love and affection. In that intimate moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the warmth of their connection and the sweetness of their shared bond.

Both had become so engrossed in each other that they had forgotten about their surroundings.

Suddenly, the car door opened.

"Sorry, Yuvin. I'm late," Stephan apologized as he opened the door.

Yuvin invited him to join them for the trip, but he hadn't anticipated his friend's arrival at such an awkward moment.

Agnes and Yuvin broke their kiss, turning their attention to Stephan.

"I'm sorry," Stephan said, closing the door as he observed his friend and his wife, realizing he had interrupted a private moment.

Agnes felt a rush of awkwardness wash over her as Stephan's arrival interrupted the intimate moment she was sharing with Yuvin.

The sudden intrusion left her feeling self-conscious and unsure of how to react, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she tried to regain her composure in the presence of their unexpected guest.

Yuvin couldn't shake the feeling that Stephan had arrived at the wrong moment.

" Wrong timing ", Yuvin said.

As his friend entered the scene, interrupting the tender moment he was sharing with Agnes, Yuvin couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and annoyance at the timing of his arrival.

It was clear to him that Stephan's entrance had disrupted the atmosphere, leaving Yuvin grappling with a mix of emotions as he tried to navigate the sudden shift in dynamics.

Agnes attempted to rise from his lap, but Yuvin held her firmly.

"Thank you," he expressed his gratitude before releasing her.

As she adjusted her dress, hair, and composed herself, Yuvin wiped away his tears.

"Shall I open the door?" Yuvin inquired.

Agnes nodded, and Yuvin exited the car.

"Stephan," Yuvin called out.

Stephan felt a pang of guilt as he realized he had unintentionally intruded on his friend's personal time.

The sight of Yuvin and Agnes, caught in a private moment, made him acutely aware of his own misstep.

He regretted the disruption he had caused, wishing he had been more mindful of their privacy and sensitive to their need for intimacy.

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