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Hi readers my name is Luna and I would love to share my story with you if that's okay?

For those that reply with a yes! This story is for you.

A quick recap; My name is Luna Scotts and I'm 17 years old and turning 18 soon, in a couple of month which is in the month of May! Yeah!

I'm so happy and supper excited to finally clock 18 after living 17 years of age which feel more like I've been living for a whole hundreds years! Phew!!!

I think I just sounded crazy right now. I'm not crazy, infact I'm a typical opposite of someone who's crazy. I'm quite, cool and very timid. You could say I'm way too innocent!

I'm the only child of my parents which can make anyone easily judge me for being a brat which I'm not.

My parents gave me everything even though I never used them, they kept buying since we're rich but I'm not the girly type.

I'm not a tomboy but I don't fancy girly stuffs.

I think you heard enough about me! Which personality do you think I portray? You'll found out in the story, lol.

Meet my best friend in the world, Travis Bills. He's 18 and super handsome, tall, slim with chilsed jaw and everything. He can easily pass as a model for any brand, he got the face and every features!

Less I forget, He once model as a child but stop in grade 9.

He's literally perfect but duh we've been friends our whole life but I've never seen him that way.

Weird right?

We both attended the same school all our lives. Middle school, highschool? Just name it!

Travis told me practically everything about his live, including his dating live and his his girlfriend. He is quite popular at school for his natural features and he could almost be mistaken for a playboy.

How can I forget? He's a playboy!

Travis literally changes girlfriend every weeks which I found very fun cos he told me how he used them for his pleasures and we would laugh out ass out about the whole thing!

Travis literally changes girlfriend every weeks which I found very fun cos he told me how he used them for his pleasures and we would laugh out ass out about the whole thing!

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He would even record their make out scene and even their sex scene just to show me. We're really close, he's like a big brother I never had, we're more close than a siblings would ever be.

We're in grade twelve already and we're expecting to write our final exams soon but before that we had a long summer break which the school thought it was essential for us to prepare ahead of exams!

Everyone was so excited to spend time at home, and of course not for reading but rather doing nothing :⁠‑⁠)

Our summer break was going pretty well,Travis and I got more closer as I would spend weekends at their places and he spend at mine sometimes.

Our closeness brought our parents together and made us families, and of course our parents never had doubts about us cos we've spent night in a room together and nothing happened!

Is that even possible?? It is with I and Travis. Lol!

Two weeks after our summer break had began. Dad suddenly fell ill and as a result of that, his business started frailing for being too absent at the office.

Mom couldn't handle everything alone and our company workers weren't helping as they stole a huge amount of money from us every opportunity they gets.

In no time! Dad's company went bankruptcy and our dealer's requested a refund immediately and even press charges against dad. I was so devasted.

 I was so devasted

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Swipe for Summary Part 2 ➡️➡️







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