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After the fight I had with Tiffany, I received Kyle's text when I got to my room. He wanted us to meet up at the library if I had time. Even if I didn't, I was determined to make time today. I was too angry to stay in the same house as that playboy, so when I saw his text, I quickly washed up and left the house.

As I sat down at the library table, Kyle asked, "Are you okay?" while placing the boba tea he got for me in front of me. I didn't even hear what he said until his hand brushed mine as he set down the drink. I looked up and flashed him a smile. "I'm fine." I said.

He stared at me for a while before nodding and sitting across from me. He opened his book and started reading. My mind wandered back to how Travis had called me his sister a while back, and I felt my anger resurfacing.

I wasn't mad that he had addressed me as his sister - this wasn't the first time, after all. What I was mad about was the fact that he had kissed and touched me like I was his girlfriend or something. What I was even more mad about was that I had allowed him to do so.

"Luna?" Kyle snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

"You've been spacing out for a while. Mind telling me what's going on?" Kyle asked.

"I'm fine. I'll just return this." I held up the book I was about to return to him and got up to walk over to the shelves. Thankfully, they weren't too tall this time.

"This is exhausting." Kyle said as I returned to him. "Since we met, all we've ever done is hang out in the library."

"Yeah, right." I smiled.

"I know of a great restaurant that just opened a mile away from here. Mind grabbing lunch with me there?" he asked.

"Sorry, I'm already full," I lied, knowing my stomach was growling at that moment. But I was too down to hang out with him anymore. I just want to go back home and take a nap. Only that, my stomach didn't agree with me, and it rumbled at that moment, which was humiliating.

"I don't think the worms in your tummy had enough." he said, and we both laughed.

"It's gonna be quick. I'll drop you off at your house after eating." Kyle said, and I didn't hesitate anymore. I nodded. "Let's go," I smiled at him.

I reached for my bag, but he beat me to it, and I gave him a confused look. "Too heavy for your pretty hands." he winked and started heading out. I just shook my head and followed him out.


We arrived at the restaurant pretty fast and were lucky to snag the last available table, considering how crowded it was. I guess that's what happens when a new restaurant opens. The waiter handed us menus, and I took a glance at the list of delicacies. Oh my gosh, they were pricey!

"Have you folks decided what you're having?" the waiter asked, returning to our table. I pretended not to hear, worried about how Kyle would manage to pay the bill. Not that I looked down on him or anything, but I didn't think he could afford it.

"I'll have the burger and fries." Kyle told the waiter. "Have you decided, Luna?" He turned to me, and I stuttered, "Uhm, I'll have the... uh..." Kyle simply took the menu from me and handed it back to the waiter.

"She'll have the same as me." I wanted to stop the waiter, but it was too late. From what I remembered, the food Kyle ordered was $70, which was freaking expensive! How could he afford that?

"You know, we could just go to a local restaurant or..." I started to say, but Kyle cut me off. "Don't worry about me; you'll be shocked to know what I'm worth in the future." He said with a smile, and I forced a smile back.

"I noticed your smiles are pretty sad today, You really don't want to tell me? Did something happen with you and your boyfriend?" he asked. "My boyfriend?" I looked confused.

"The pretty dude you're living with. I mean, he's a boy, and he's your friend." I shrugged, "Come on, that's not a nice joke."

The waiter arrived with our food, and we started eating quietly. Just then, a familiar, annoying voice said, "Look who we have here." I looked up to see Tiffany standing in front of us, with Travis behind her. My eyes locked onto Travis, and I immediately looked away, feeling my anger resurface.

Kyle got up to greet them, "Travis and Tiffany, right? Remember me from the sleepover party?" He tried to sound friendly, but I knew he was just being polite.

"What are you both doing here?" Tiffany asked, pretending to be friendly. "To eat, obviously," Kyle replied.

"What a beautiful coincidence, mind if we join you guys? There's no left table, and we want to eat too." She didn't even finish the question before sitting down next to Kyle.

"Luna?" Kyle asked for my consent, but I pretended not to hear. "You wouldn't mind, right, Luna?" Tiffany smirked, and I wished I could punch her right in the face. I nodded reluctantly, and she pulled Travis to sit beside me.

The waiter came over, and Tiffany ordered for them. I continued eating, but I could feel Travis's eyes on me, hoping I'd make eye contact. I ignored him, still too mad to even look at him.

My phone beeped, and I saw a text from Travis. I glared at him and he signaled for me to check it. I did, and the text read. "Still mad at me?" I rolled my eyes and set my phone aside without replying.

"Who's that?" Kyle asked, noticing my reaction. "No one important." I replied, and Travis scoffed.

I continued eating as the waiter arrived with our food. I tried to eat as fast as possible, hoping to finish soon and leave with Kyle, but the food he ordered was plentiful, and he was barely eating.

Just then, I accidentally spilled some sauce on my shirt. Kyle quickly noticed and gently took a napkin to clean the stain. "Let me help you with that," he said, his hand brushing against mine as he cleaned the spot. I felt a flutter in my chest, and our eyes met for a brief moment.

Tiffany, who had been observing our exchange, spoke up, "So, are you guys a thing already?" Kyle chuckled and replied, "No, we're not... I'm still pursuing her and hoping she'll give me a chance." He said it jokingly, but his smile made my heart skip a beat.

"Can I add you to WhatsApp then? I bet Luna won't mind, right?" Tiffany added, her tone a bit too friendly for my comfort.

"Tiffany, stop this!" Travis snapped, his voice firm but laced with a hint of embarrassment.

"Why should I stop? She has your number, and I can't have her boyfriend's number, huh? She knows everything about you, and I'm not allowed to do the same. Who could have taught her to throw herself at you and always pretend she's innocent? She kissed and made out with you and pretended it never happened. Who knows, you forgot to tell me the part where you fucked?" My eyes widened in shock as Tiffany's words hung in the air.

Travis got up and banged the table hard, trying to grab Tiffany's hands to drag her out, but she threw his hands off and turned to me. "Am I lying? Are these all not true? Can't you see? She can't even fucking defend herself? What? You lost your voice? Look me in the eye and fucking deny all I said now? Bitch!"

Her yells were causing a scene, and my hands were starting to shake. I remained frozen, unable to move or speak a word. That's when I felt Kyle's hand on mine, pulling me up and grabbing my bag. He pulled me out of the restaurant, and I was grateful for the escape.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he helped me into his car.

"Can you please take me home?" I interrupted him, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Fine," he replied, getting into the car and driving back to Travis' house. I could feel his eyes on me throughout the drive, waiting for me to say something, to deny Tiffany's accusations, but I was too embarrassed to even look at his face.

He pulled to a stop in front of Travis' house, and I immediately got out. "Goodnight!" I mumbled, entering the house without turning back.


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