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"The fuck" I screamed and sat up, turning my face away for him to covered himself up, he grabs his clothes from his closet and wear them fast before facing me.

"You can turn now" He said.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to scare you that way, and I didn't see anything, I swear it." I said, unable to continue as his face met with mine.

"Can you tell me what you're doing here in the first place?" He asks, his eyes not leaving me.

"I.... I....." I stammers.

"You're what Luna?" Travis says.

"I had a dream again, I was so scared that I rushed here without thinking." I lied.

"Thought you were scared of sharing the same room with me. The last time I checked, you only see me as fucker? You shouldn't have come here." His voice obviously showing sarcasm.

I felt angry after he said that, what is really wrong with him? I mean is this even the Travis I use to know?

"I'm sorry, I'll take my leave now." I got up and started walking out, hoping he would call me back but he never did.

I held his door knob but find it hard to twist it open. I can't return to that room! Not now?

Not when the rain is still pouring so freaking much and I'm still scared as hell.

Without hesitation, I turn and he looks at me.

"Got something more to say?" He cross his arms like some boss will do with their workers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I just thought you won't be able to control your urges around me." I said.

"Around you?" Travis laugh and I raised my eyebrows.

"Are you kidding me? I've never seen you as a girl, and I never will. You don't even have all it's takes for me to be interested in you? You're not my type of girl at all" He said stressing on the word 'TYPE'

He didn't stop laughing.

I had to admit, those words hit harder than being hit with a rock on the head. He's never seen me as a girl? Am I that unattractive? I don't have what it's take a look at me?

Is it because I'm flat or he's just teasing me?

"So, can I spend the night here?" I found my voice at last.

Travis went silent for a moment and then he nod.

"Thanks." I said,and he gave me a short smile.

He entered his bathroom, probably to change into something more comfy.

I climbed into his bed. I laid down and soon fell asleep, feeling more comfortable than I ever had before.


When I woke up the next morning, I found Travis already awake and making breakfast as I step into the kitchen.

He looked over at me and smile.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" He say.

I opened the fridge before turning to him.

"Morning, thanks for last night" I drank some water while swiping my disarranged hair backward.

Travis look at me and chuckle shortly which made me raise my brows.


"You know,  you're really not a very attractive person." Travis said with a cruel smirk on his face. "What?" I say, feeling hurt by his words.

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