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Travis starts leaning towards me,and I froze in place. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to kiss me,but I also don't want to offend him. My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty. Then, out of nowhere,my phone starts to ring. It's like a lifeline, and I'm immediately relieved.

I answer the phone,and it's Kyle on the other end. "Hey Kyle" I smile.

"I'm sorry about what happen last time,do you mind joining me in the library?" He asks.

"I would love to but-

"Just tell him no or no more sleeping over tonight" I hear Travis says. Is he being serious right now? I give him a knowing look but he seems serious.

"I'm damn serious Luna, you can choose him over your friends if you want to." I cover my phone speaker to avoid Kyle hearing Travis words.

"Sorry Kyle but I've something really important to attends to, maybe some other time" I says and I catch a glimpse of Travis smiling. Is he crazy? Why is he being a mean jerk right now?

"It's actually a sleepover but there's more to it, I would really love to have you around if you've time to spare, it's gonna be fun I promise" I smirks at Travis who's now crossing his arms.

"Of course, what time is it?"

I told Kyle the time and he told me to take care before hanging up. "What was that for?" Travis asks.

"It's nothing" I tell Travis. "I just need you to meet him,so you can understand that he's a good guy. I know you think he's not good enough for me, but you're wrong. He's a great guy."

The ride stops and we both get off. I was walking behind Travis cos he refuse to talk to me after I invited Kyle.

My phone beeps and I check the notification. It's a text from Ashley. I open it, and she's sent me a picture of a bikini she bought.

It's super revealing. I wonder why she'd go to such lengths for Travis, who obviously isn't interested in her. She'd probably give herself to him for free if she have to.

"Great Ash. See ya tonight!" I sent a reply text to Ashley.

I pocket my phone and catch up to Travis. I'm not sure how to convince him that Kyle is a good person. He's so stubborn!

"Let's stop by the grocery store and get some stuff" I plead. He ignores me and keeps walking.

"Travis, please! I owe you one for not telling you about my fear of heights. If you do this for me, that makes two. And I promise, I'll do whatever you want."

"Deal" he says, with a smirk. "Just don't go back on your word."

"I promise" I say, nodding. "Okay" he says, his smirk growing even bigger.


We got home a few minutes ago, and I was in the kitchen unpacking all the stuff we got.

Travis came in. "Can I invite Chris and Jeff?" he ask. I looked up and nod. "Of course! The more the merrier' I says, smiling.

"And Tiffany?" he add, and I shrugs uncomfortably.

"Well,she's your girlfriend,so she has to be there." I said, trying not to sound annoyed. Travis approach me and took one of the cucumbers we bought.

"Are you jealous of her?" he ask, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Me? Jealous of Tiffany? Don't be ridiculous," I scoff and masks my true feelings.

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