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After Luna angrily left the restaurant with Kyle, I turned to Tiffany, who was now smiling. "What is the meaning of what you just did?" I asked angrily.

"What do you mean? I'm just telling her the truth, and I want to find out if you actually tell me the whole truth or if you guys did other things too." Tiffany replied, still smiling.

"You're unbelievable." I snapped, shaking my head.

"Guess what?" Tiffany asked, her voice bubbly.

"What?" I replied, turning to her with a tone that clearly showed I wasn't interested in whatever she had to say.

"My birthday is in two days, and don't even dare say you don't remember! Tell me you didn't mention it because you were planning a surprise for me." She said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I could swear I just remembered that she mentioned it. How could I have forgotten? "Travis?" She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Of course, I remember." I said, forcing a quick smile to reassure her. "I didn't mention it because I have a surprise, just like you mentioned. Trust me."

"I trust you." She smiled sheepishly. "I invited all our classmates to my party, except Luna, of course." She replied, feeling proud of what she just uttered.

I turn to look at her, my expression stern. "If you're planning on doing that, then don't expect me to come. I can't leave Luna alone in the house."

Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "Why can't you? She's stayed alone before when you're out during the day."

"This is different, Tiffany. Your party is overnight, and I'll be out the whole night. Our parents won't be happy with me if they find out." I sighed.

Tiffany reluctantly agreed, her enthusiasm dimming slightly. She continued eating, while I pushed my food around my plate, my appetite gone.

"And why are you still eating?" I asked, my voice firm but gentle. "Finish up so we can leave quickly." She looked up, her eyes curious. "Why are you in such a rush?"

I sighed again, feeling frustrated. "I need to get groceries, and I know Luna won't come with me now. We had plans to go together, but...well, you know why that won't work out."

Tiffany chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, we all get it, and I'm so happy you don't have to go together. Don't worry, I'll finish eating soon." I rolled my eyes, my mind already racing with ways to make things right with Luna. I couldn't believe Tiffany's recklessness. Heaven knows if she'll ever forgive me.

Later, after we finished eating and got the groceries, I tried getting pizza and drinks secretly but Tiffany had noticed.

She raised an eyebrow as she noticed the pizza I had brought. "I know you don't really like pizza, so why did you get it?" she asked, her tone bossy.

I shrugged, trying to downplay it. "I got it for Luna. She didn't eat anything before she left the restaurant, and I figured she might be hungry later."

Tiffany's expression changed, a hint of jealousy flickering across her face. "Aww, you must really care about her, huh?" she said, her voice laced with a subtle bitterness.

"Tiffany, stop. Just drop it, okay? Stop making big deals out of everything I do for her. I've known her even before meeting you." I snapped at her, my patience wearing thin. I didn't want to get into another argument with her, especially not over Luna.

Tiffany looked taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise.

"What's your problem, Travis?" she asked, her voice tinged with hurt.

I sighed, feeling frustrated. "My problem is you always causing drama and making issues over her. I'm not even dating her, you're my girlfriend and she's just a friend. Can we just not talk about this?" I asked, my voice firm but tired.

Tiffany pouted, her expression sulky. "Fine, whatever." she muttered, turning away from me.

I proceeded in dropping her off at her house. She refused to say anything to me and basically storm in without goodbye, so I was kinda surprised when I saw her text as I returned to the living room, switching on the TV.

My eyes landed on the pizza I brought, and I put it in the fridge.

I sat back down, to read Tiffany's text. "Missing you here already, the rain will be starting soon. Wish you were here with me!" Before I could even type a reply, another text popped in.

"I'm really hot right now, wanna see?" All she knows is getting fucked by me. I wanted to reply, but then I remembered how she was the cause of Luna's anger towards me. I just hissed and dropped the phone.

The TV wasn't even feeling great to me. All I could think about was how to make Luna forgive me.

After getting bored with watching TV, I switched it off and went to my room. As I lay down on the bed, I grabbed my phone and texted our group chat with Jeff and Chris.

"Guys, I fucked up big time! How do I get Luna to forgive me? She said never to talk to me again?" I texted, feeling desperate.

"Bruh, what did you do that pushed her to the limit of not talking to you?" Jeff texted back, almost immediately.

"I know, right? What did you do, man?" Chris added, curious.

"We made out in the pool last night after everyone left, and I kinda told Tiffany about it." I admitted, feeling like a total idiot.

"Lmao! Why would you do such a thing? You're so fucking stupid, bruh!" Chris texted, laughing at my mistake.

"What a minute, you and Luna made out - like you finally got to kiss her. What else did you guys do?" Jeff texted, with a winking emoji that made me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but I think she considered it a mistake. Like I forced her into kissing me." I texted, feeling a pang of regret.

"Dude, did you actually force her? Did she kiss you back?" Chris texted.

"Yeah, did she kiss you back? When were you planning on telling her you like her?" Jeff added.

"Guys, can you stop with the questions and tell me how to make her forgive me first?" I texted, frustrated as hell.

"I don't know, Travis, I'm sorry. I gotta go, a girl is waiting for me. I only stepped out to get a condom 'cause I ran out, and the rain's about to start pouring. Gotta run, goodnight and good luck." Jeff texted again.

Goddamn, I hated him for leaving me hanging like that. "What do you think I can do? Help me ask Molly, please?" I texted Chris, hoping he was still there.

"She's fast asleep, and I dare not wake her up if I don't want trouble. I'll ask her tomorrow, gotta go too. Sorry, bruh!" Chris texted before logging off.

I was really alone now. Could I really sleep happily knowing she was mad at me? I tossed my phone aside and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. The rain started pouring down immediately.


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