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Travis throw Tiffany out of the house after and then he apologized to him, he then left for his room.

I went to mine too but for some reason I felt restless. Even though Travis is a player. He his kinda different around Tiffany, that's one of the reasons why I never retaliate anytime she get on my nerves.

He doesn't smile with any other girl except me but he does that with Tiffany.

Or he might even love her for real? She's the only girl he has dated for that long. They've been together for a year.

Other girls don't even last up to three months.

I wondered why he saved me from her slap. I could recall he was angry I misjudged him last night after he ask me to spend the night in his room.

"How can you say that? I'm not one of your slut and I'll never be" I had replied.

"What do you think of me? Is that how you see me now? A guy who don't know more than just sex?" He had replied and went to his room angrily. I sighed and took in my lower lips.

"Should I apologize to him?" I said inwardly. Even if he's a jerk some times, I kinda miss him teasing me.

"He cause this upon himself, how did he expect me to trust a guy like him? I mean, he had literally fuck almost all the girls in our school so" I shook the thought off and stood, I strip and entered my bathroom.

After having my night shower, I applied my skin care routine and get on my bed, I can't sleep without reading a book so I got my bag and bring out of the books I borrowed from the library.

That was when I remember Kyle.

"I've read the book before" I recalled his smile after he took the book from me.

"Even if he had read it, it's still embarrassing. He must think I'm too small to be reading stuffs like that" I sighed and opened the book anyway.

It's titled.... LOST DESIRES!

I've seen the books from countless website and I just can't wait to read it.

The book was so interesting that I lost the track of time, I kept giggling and tossing on my bed at every cute scene of the leads.

After reaching chapter 25, my eyes fell on the wall clock and I gasped seeing the time.

"1:30 am in the morning!" I gasped.

I recalled I start the book by 9 Pm, so many hours has passed.

"Should I drop the book or continue reading?" I thought. The book was damn interesting to drop, I can't!

I was getting thirsty but I knew I can't go to the kitchen alone to get a glass of water, I'm too scared.

Travis room was next door, but we ain't talking.

I sighed and resumed reading, just then. I heard a loud clap of thunder outside, followed by a deafening thud. Then, the rain came pouring down all at once. It was a torrential downpour.

I screamed and threw Lost Desire in the air. I hugged my pillow shakingly.

I hate rainfalls, especially in the night! It's not a phobia, I just dislike it so much, I tends to get scared.

No one knew about this except from my parents, not even Travis.

I covered myself with the duvets hoping and praying the rain would stop after a while, but thirty minutes passed and it's still falling heavily.

I began to sweat profusely, my body trembling everytime I heard the lighting sound.

"Mum... Da....dad" I call in fear as if they would appear.

I'm used to sleeping in my mum's room anytime it's rains with her arms wrapped around me.

She would whispered,

"It's okay baby, nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here"

A drop of tears left my eyes as this made me miss her even more.

I started imagining crazy things I stared at the walls and corners of the room.

Should I go to Travis?

"I can't go to him no matter what? He can't find out my weakness or he'll use it to tease me" I said.

Suddenly, a clap of thunder boomed so loudly that it jolted me out of my stupor. I sprang up and rushed out of my room to Travis'.

I pulled off his duvet and dived into bed with him, pulling the duvet over both of us. I clung onto him fearfully, my breath coming in short gasps.

"What are you doing Luna?" Travis asked and that was when I realized I was hugging his naked body. He was wearing nothing! Just his nakedness!


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