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We get into my car, a beat-up sedan that’s seen better days, and I start the engine. Tiffany looks out the window, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

"Where to?"

"Anywhere?" She smile. "Just drive."

I pull out of the driveway and head toward the highway, the road stretching out before us like an invitation.

Tiffany leans back in her seat, eyes closed, as if trying to soak in the moment. I can’t help but wish Luna were beside me instead, her laughter filling the car, her hand in mine.

The thought stabs at me, making the silence between Tiffany and me feel even heavier.

"You wanna get some ice cream?" I ask, glancing over at her, trying to shake off the thoughts of Luna.

Her eyes flutter open, and she smiles, a genuine one this time.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

I take the next exit and drive toward a small ice cream stand I know. It’s one of those places with a neon sign and a few picnic tables out front.

We park, and I get out, stretching my legs. Tiffany follows, and we walk up to the counter together.

"What flavor would you like?" the bored teenager behind the counter asks, not even looking up from his phone.

"Vanilla cone for me" Tiffany says, then turns to me. "And you?"

"I’ll have a chocolate milkshake." I say, handing the guy some cash.

We take our treats and find a spot at one of the picnic tables. Tiffany licks her cone thoughtfully, her eyes distant.

"I used to come here with my parents" She says after a while. "Before they split up."

I nod, not sure what to say. The last thing I want is to get into a heavy conversation, but I can tell she needs to talk.

"Must’ve been tough" I say, sipping my milkshake.


"It was." She looks at me, her eyes searching. "Do you think things are ever really okay? Like, with relationships?"

I shrug, not sure how to answer.

"I don’t know. I think it’s always a work in progress. You’ve got to keep at it, or it falls apart."

She nods, a small, sad smile playing on her lips.

"I guess that’s true."

We finish our ice cream, my thoughts drift back to last summer. I remember Luna and me, along with our families, coming to this very beach.

We had the best time—playing volleyball, building sandcastles, and laughing at stupid jokes until our sides hurt.

Luna looked so carefree, her hair blowing in the breeze, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

We had a bonfire one night, and Luna and I stayed up late talking about our dreams, our fears, and everything in between. I wish she were here now instead of Tiffany.

"Want to walk on the beach?" I ask, gesturing toward the shoreline just beyond the ice cream stand.

“Yeah, I’d like that"

We stroll down to the beach, the sand cool under our feet. The waves crash against the shore, a rhythmic lullaby that seems to ease the tension between us.

Strip Game - A Whirlwind Summer Where stories live. Discover now