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I woke up early than usual the next morning and the first thing that came to my mind was how Luna reacted last night after she returns from the town library.

I knew things was wrong with her face expression but I didn't ask. She wouldn't tell me anyway.

I had dinner alone last night and Luna practically went to bed with an empty stomach.

I shook the thought off and leaves my room,when I got to the living room. I was shocked to meet Luna in the kitchen putting some cube ice in a glass cup,she added some Nutella and ice cream from the freezer and I stare at her in shock.

I'm still hundred percent sure the Luna I used to know hates sugary things like crazy.

"Since when did you start having sweet tooth?" I asks. "I can't try something new for a fucking change?" Luna scowl and left the kitchen with the weird drink in her hand.

I follow her into the living room where she's sitted on the couch sipping the drink. "Are you okay?" I says, and sat next to her.

"What makes you think I'm not fine?" She snaps.

"Do you have a problem with me Luna?" I cooed. I think I've had enough of her cold shoulder. What the hell is going on with her?

"I'll be in my room." She stand up to go but I grab her hand and pull her to my lap.

"What are you doing?" She look shock.

"The only way to make you talk to me, I believe we're still friends. You can tell me anything"

I could tell I was feeling weird holding her in my arms that way. This is not the first time she sats on my laps but things were different this time. I can tell I was getting turned on and my body was heating up.

"I know but let's not cross the line, Travis" Luna says and came down from my laps. She sat back on the couch.

"You're not use to having sweet things but you suddenly feel like trying something new, and the new thing is sugary stuffs, fucking calories. Do you want to get fat?"

"What's your business with that?" She throw a deadly glare at me. "Something is definitely wrong!" I adds.

She took a long deep breath and look at me.

"I admits. But promise you won't make fun of me" She says. "I won't I promise" I says.

"So there's this boy I met at the town's library, his name is Kyle and-" I could feel something moved in me as I wait impatiently for her to complete her words. Luna look straight into my eyes.

"And?" I urge her to continue.

"I think I like him!" She says.



"What?" Travis jerk up and I was taken aback.

Why was he so worked up? I thought he want me to date for once but his face expression says otherwise. "Why? Am I not allowed to like someone now?"

I frown and cross my arms.

"I was just surprise, but I'm really happy for you Luna." He stroke my hair and I smile.

"Really? Is it right for me to ask him out first-

"No way! Let it come natural. He's gonna ask you out if he feel the same way" He cut in.

I nod and smile. A long silence drag between us and I could tell Travis mind was filled up with a lot of thought as he kept sneaking glace at me.

I was about to ask why he was like that when he spoke. "Let's go to the new park." He says, smiling.

"Why all of the sudden?" I asks.

"C'mon it's been long since we hang out as besties and I kinda miss it"

"Are you asking me because Tiffany stood you up?" I questioned. Travis light face fell and he sighs.

"Stop bringing her up, this is about us. So, what do you say?" He slid his hands around my neck and I cringed.

"Stop idiot. I can't go like this" I pointed at my dress. I was wearing only a thight bum short and tank top without any underwear.

Travis took a minute and glace through my dress, or body?

"There's nothing wrong with it except your small boobs is poking out." He laughs.

I grab the pillow and throw it at him which he catch and throws at me back.

"Shut up! You know nothing since you've never seen them before. They are super big you know!" I yell and throw the pillow and it met his head.

"Ouch!" He whine and I rush to him.

"Are you okay?" I asks, worried.

Travis hold both my hand and pull me closer, our body only a few inch away.

"How about you show me those boobs and clear my doubts" He smirks and stares down my chest, my boobs obviously.

"Get away from me, you pervert!" I exclaims and hug my chest to myself. Travis chuckles and starts heading up first.

"I'm giving you ten minutes." He says. "I'm a lady" I shouts on top of my voice.

"As if" He scoffs. "Fine,thirty minutes or I'm calling Tiffy" He says and enter his room.

"That jerk!" I scowl and left for my room.


Sorry for the slow updates and wow, we've almost reached 5k reads and I'm just noticing. Thank you all for reading this story, for even opening it. I'm really flattered.

Please do votes and comments if you like today's chapter.

Love you all ❤️❤️

Xoxo 💖

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