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As Travis dropped me off at the grand mansion, he raised an eyebrow. "Whose place is this?"

"Kyle invited me to study at his place since the library is closed today," I replied.

Travis' expression turned skeptical. "How can you trust him? He's a guy, after all. He might try something." I chuckled, shaking my head. "Kyle is not a playboy like you, Travis. He's different."

Travis fell silent, looking unconvinced, but eventually nodded. "Just don't stay too late, okay? Come home early."

I nodded and watched as Travis drove away before turning to face the mansion. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, calling out a greeting as I entered.

A middle-aged woman appeared, smiling warmly. "Ah, you must be Luna! Welcome, dear." I nodded, and she led me to the living room, gesturing for me to sit. "I'll call Kyle for you. Make yourself comfortable."

As I settled in, my eyes landed on two adorable cats sleeping beside the chair. I squealed in delight, squatting down to pet them. "Oh, they're so cute!"

The cats opened their eyes, and I cooed, "Wow, they're beautiful!"

Just then, Kyle arrived, smiling as he took in the scene. "Ah, I see you've met the fur babies!"

I looked up, still holding the smaller cat. "They're amazing! I love cats, I've always wanted one as a pet."

Kyle chuckled.

"Well, you're welcome to play with them anytime. Do you like her?" he asked, nodding towards the cat in my arms.

I grinned. "She's adorable! What's her name?"

"Her name is Nova, actually." Kyle said with a smile. "And the other one is Cleo."

I laughed, feeling a connection to the cat and the moment. "That's perfect. I feel like we're already best friends!"

We settled in and started chatting about the latest book releases. Kyle mentioned he had just gotten a few new ones from Amazon, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Ooh, can I see!" I said, leaning in eagerly.

Kyle smiled and started showing me the titles on his phone. "I got this one, and this one... and I couldn't resist this one either."

I squealed as I saw each title, my eyes widening with excitement. "No way! I've been dying to read. I've been dying to read that one since I heard about it! I didn't know it was out already!"

He smiled, "Yeah, me too! I just got it yesterday."

I asked where the book was, and he said it was in his room, but he wanted to show me around the house first. I agreed, and as we stood up, the cat clung to my arms, refusing to let go. "Seems like she likes you." He said with a chuckle.

"I know, right? Can I take her with me?" He nodded, and we explored the house together, the cat still in my arms. Finally, we settled down in his room, and I sat on the couch, still holding the cat.

Kyle went to his mini shelves and returned with the books. I immediately got up, dropped the cat, and rushed to him. He handed me the book, and I stared at it in awe, smiling charmingly. "I'll be sure to read it fast and return it so you can read it too."

Kyle smiled and said, "Don't worry, I got two pairs of each book. You can keep it."

I was overjoyed, and without thinking, I grabbed his hand, giggling and saying thank you. I quickly released his hand, feeling a bit embarrassed.

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